IVR Prompts and Automated Call Recordings
The audio prompts listed below are available Individually or as a complete set of recordings ready to go in any format required.
The audio has been recorded in my voice samples of which are also available on request.
Please contact me for more details. info@spencercork.co.uk
IVR Prompts and Automated Call Recordings
[twitter_profile screen_name="@spencercorkvo" height="400"]
Male Voice Choice Spencer
IVR Prompts and Automated Call Recordings
Female Voice Choice Melanie
IVR Prompts and Automated Call Recordings
Female Voice Choice Gemma
IVR Prompts and Automated Call Recordings
Why do I need a Professional Voicemail Recording ?
A professional voicemail greeting is a key component of your communication strategy. It can increase engagement with your potential clients, create conversation and leave a good first impression if you are not available to answer your phone.
So,What is a professional voicemail greeting?
A professional voicemail greeting is a recording that informs clients and business partners you are not available to receive their call. It is an essential part of any effective business communication strategy, especially if you are wanting to increase sales.
A great professional voicemail greeting allows you to win deals from prospects and customers even when you cannot speak with them immediately. By letting them know you will call if they provide their name, number and message, you encourage customers to trust your professionalism.
What should i consider when writing the voicemail message ?
Information: Your business voicemail should provide all the information the caller needs. At the least, the recording should include your name, the name of your company and your office hours. You can also include the best way to reach you—such as an email—and provide that contact information. If they can leave a message, let them know in the message.
Validation: A great professional voicemail greeting should thank the caller for their call and apologize for missing it. If you can’t do both, at least show gratitude or regret.
Motivation: The aim of a professional voicemail is to keep the caller on the line long enough to listen to your message. You do that by motivating them enough to listen and leave their message. For this to happen, your recording must make them wait for their turn to speak.
Message Length: Keep your voicemail greetings within 10 and 30 seconds. Many people will appreciate a short, concise message that gives them all the information they need immediately.
File Name | Audio Text |
AACAccept.wav | Code accepted. |
AACAccountPromptBegin.wav | Please enter the… |
AACAccountPromptEnd.wav | …digit account code you wish to use for this call. |
AACAuthPromptIntro.wav | Please enter your authorization code followed by the hash key. |
AACDeniedByCalled.wav | The person you are calling cannot be reached at this time. Please try again later. |
AACInvalid.wav | Code Invalid. |
AACallCannotBeTransferred.wav | Your call cannot be transferred. |
AAInvalidMenuInputMsg.wav | This key is not valid. Please try again. |
AAPress.wav | Press… |
AASubmenuDefaultGreeting.wav | To return to the previous menu, press 9. |
AAToReach.wav | To reach… |
AAToReachOperator.wav | If you would like to speak with an operator, press zero. |
AATooManyParties.wav | There are too many parties matching your entry. |
AATransferFailMsg.wav | Your call cannot be transferred. Please try again later. Thank you. |
AATransferToMailboxErrorEnd.wav | …cannot be identified. Please try again. |
AATransferToMailboxErrorStart.wav | The mailbox for extension… |
AATransferToMailboxPromptForExtension.wav | Please dial the extension of the person for whom you want to leave a message. |
AATransferringTo.wav | Transferring to… |
File Name | Audio Text |
AAdefaultAfterHoursGreeting.wav | Hello. Our offices are now closed. If you know your R’s extension, press one. To use our automated name directory, please press two. Thank you for calling. |
AAdefaultBHGreetingExt.wav | Hello. Your call is being answered by an automated attendant. If you know the extension of the person you are trying to reach, dial it now. To use our automated name directory, press two. If you would like to speak with an operator, press zero. Thank you for calling. |
AAdefaultBusinessHoursGreeting.wav | Hello. Your call is being answered by an automated attendant. If you know your party’s extension, press one. To use our automated name directory, press two. If you would like to speak with an operator, press zero. Thank you for calling. |
AAdefaultFirstLastNameDialPrompt.wav | By using the keys on your touch-tone phone, please enter the first or last name of the person you wish to reach. Press star at any time to return to the main menu. |
AAdefaultNBHGreetingExt.wav | Hello. Our offices are now closed. If you know the extension of the person you are trying to reach, dial it now. To use our automated name directory, please press two. Thank you for calling. |
AAdefaultNameDialEnterMoreLetters.wav | Please enter more letters. |
AAdefaultNameDialError.wav | Your party cannot be identified. Please try again. |
AAdefaultNameDialMultiMatch.wav | There are too many parties matching your entry. Please enter more letters. |
AAdefaultNameDialPrompt.wav | Using the keys on your touch-tone phone, please enter the name of the person you wish to reach, last name first. Press star at any time to return to the main menu. |
AAdefaultNameDialReprompt.wav | There are too many parties matching your entry. Please enter more letters. |
AAdefaultPromptForExtension.wav | Please dial the extension of the person you are trying to reach. |
AAdefaultRepromptForExtension.wav | … is not a valid extension. Please try again. |
AAdefaultTransferringAnnouncement.wav | Your call is being transferred. Please hold. |
AAdefaultTransferringToOperator.wav | Please stay on the line while your call is transferred to the operator. |
ACRInterrogationActive.wav | The Anonymous Call Rejection service is currently activated. |
ACRInterrogationInactive.wav | The Anonymous Call Rejection service is currently deactivated. |
AcbPollingCallbackInProgressTerm.wav | Automatic Callback was requested on you. Please stay on the line while trying to reach the person who requested Callback. |
AcbPollingUnreachableOrig.wav | The person that has requested the Automatic Callback cannot be reached. The request is being canceled. You can hang up now. |
AnswerConfirmationDefaultPrompt.wav | Please press any digit to complete this call. |
AutomaticCallbackActivationSuccessBegin.wav | The person will be monitored for… |
File Name | Audio Text |
AutomaticCallbackActivationSuccessEnd.wav | …minutes, you will be notified by special ringing when the person is available. Thank you. |
AutomaticCallbackBaseMenuBegin.wav | You have … |
AutomaticCallbackBaseMenuEnd.wav | … active Automatic Callback requests. Press the number keys to select a specific callback request or press “*” to cancel all callback requests. |
AutomaticCallbackBaseMenuOne.wav | You have one active Automatic Callback request. Press ‘1’ to select the active callback request or press ‘*’ to cancel the active callback request immediately. |
AutomaticCallbackBusyAgainPromptBegin.wav | The line you are calling is busy again. Press… |
AutomaticCallbackDeactivationSuccess.wav | All outstanding Automatic Callback requests have been canceled. Thank you. |
AutomaticCallbackInvalidActivationCodeBegin.wav | The number you entered is not valid. Please press… |
AutomaticCallbackInvalidActivationCodePrompt End.wav | … to be notified when the called party is available, or hang up if you do not wish to be notified. Thank you. |
AutomaticCallbackMenuInvInput.wav | This key is not valid. Please try again. |
AutomaticCallbackPromptBegin.wav | The line you are calling is busy. Press… |
AutomaticCallbackPromptEnd.wav | … if you would like to be notified when the line is available. |
AutomaticCallbackSelectedDeactivationSuccess .wav | The selected Automatic Callback request has been canceled. |
AutomaticCallbackSelectedMenuBegin.wav | The Automatic Callback request for … |
AutomaticCallbackSelectedMenuEnd.wav | … minutes. Press “*” to cancel this callback request immediately, or “9” to go back to the previous menu. |
AutomaticCallbackSelectedMenuMiddle.wav | … will remain active for … |
AutomaticCallbackSelectedMenuMiddleEndOne Min.wav | … will remain active for one minute. Press ‘*’ to cancel this callback request immediately or ‘9’ to go back to the previous menu. |
BAEnterCallingNumber.wav | Please enter the number from which you are calling, followed by the hash key. |
BAEnterDestinationDigits.wav | Please enter the destination digits. |
BAEnterPasscode.wav | Please enter your passcode, followed by the hash key. |
BAExpiredPasscode.wav | Your passcode has expired. Please connect to your voice or web portal to change the passcode. |
BAHangUpTryAgain.wav | Please hang up and try again later. |
BAInvalidCallingNumber.wav | The calling number you entered is not valid. |
BAInvalidPasscode.wav | This passcode is not valid. |
BALockedPasscode.wav | Your portal access is locked out. Please contact your group administrator to reset the passcode. |
CBFAuthPromptIntro.wav | This type of call requires the collection of a valid passcode to proceed. Please enter your passcode followed by the hash key. |
File Name | Audio Text |
CBFMaxDurationExceeded.wav | Your call has been released because it has reached its maximum allowed duration. |
CBFTrtInCallRestrict.wav | The person you are calling cannot accept calls from this location. |
CCDispositionCodeAccepted.wav | Disposition code accepted. |
CCDispositionCodesNotEnabled.wav | Disposition codes not enabled. |
CCInvalidDispositionCode.wav | Invalid disposition code. |
CCUnableToEnterDispositionCode.wav | Unable to enter disposition code. |
CFADestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number for Call Forwarding Always, followed by the hash key. |
CFBDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number for Call Forwarding Busy, followed by the hash key. |
CFNADestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number for Call Forwarding No Answer, followed by the hash key. |
CFNRcDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number for Call Forwarding Not Reachable, followed by the hash key. |
CIDBActSuccess.wav | Your Calling Line ID Blocking service is now set to hide your identity. Thank you. |
CIDBDeactSuccess.wav | Your Calling Line ID Blocking service is now set to show your identity. Thank you. |
CLIRInterrogationActive.wav | Your phone number is currently blocked from the person you are calling. |
CLIRInterrogationInactive.wav | Your phone number is currently available to the person you are calling. |
COLRInterrogationActive.wav | The Connected Line Identification Restriction service is currently activated. |
COLRInterrogationInactive.wav | The Connected Line Identification Restriction service is currently deactivated. |
CallMeNowEnterPasscode.wav | Please enter your passcode, followed by the hash key. |
CallMeNowHangUpTryAgain.wav | Please hang up and try again later. |
CallMeNowInvalidPasscode.wav | This passcode is not valid. |
CallWaitingActSuccess.wav | Your Call Waiting service is now enabled. Thank you. |
CallWaitingDeactSuccess.wav | Your Call Waiting service is now disabled. Thank you. |
CallWaitingInterrogationActive.wav | The Call Waiting service is currently activated. |
CallWaitingInterrogationInactive.wav | The Call Waiting service is currently deactivated. |
CallbackInProgressBegin.wav | Callback to … |
CallbackInProgressEnd.wav | … in progress. Hang up to cancel Callback. Press any key or hold the line to proceed with Callback. |
CollaborateConfirmTerminate.wav | You are trying to terminate the conference; to confirm, … |
CollaborateContactModeratorToUnlock.wav | Please contact a moderator to unlock. |
File Name | Audio Text |
CollaborateEnd.wav | The conference is now ended. |
CollaborateEnterId.wav | Please enter a conference ID and press #. |
CollaborateExpired.wav | This conference has expired. |
CollaborateFinalWarning.wav | The conference will end in … |
CollaborateFirstParticipant.wav | You are the first participant in the conference. |
CollaborateHelp.wav | Press * for help. |
CollaborateHundred.wav | … hundred … |
CollaborateInactiveBridgeNew.wav | The Conference Bridge is currently inactive. Please contact the administrator. |
CollaborateInvalid.wav | That is not a valid conference ID. |
CollaborateInvalidOption.wav | This is an invalid option. |
CollaborateInvitationRejected.wav | The participant has rejected the invitation. |
CollaborateJoinAccepted.wav | The participant will join the conference now. |
CollaborateJoinInvitationWait.wav | Please wait while the participant is called. |
CollaborateJoinRequest.wav | You have been invited to join a conference call. Please press one to join the conference. |
CollaborateLockConference.wav | This conference is locked. |
CollaborateLockUnlock.wav | For conference lock and unlock, … |
CollaborateMenu.wav | To repeat these options, … |
CollaborateMenuEndConf.wav | To end the conference, … |
CollaborateMenuInvite.wav | To call a new participant, … |
CollaborateMenuMute.wav | To mute, … |
CollaborateMenuRollCall.wav | To get the list of participants, … |
CollaborateMenuUnmute.wav | To unmute, … |
CollaborateMissingMediaFile.wav | Media file is missing. |
CollaborateMute.wav | You are now muted. |
CollaborateNotStarted.wav | The conference has not started. |
CollaborateNumberOfParticipantsEnd.wav | … participants in the conference. |
CollaborateNumberOfParticipantsStart.wav | There are, … |
CollaborateOneParticipantStartAndEnd.wav | There is 1 participant in the conference. |
CollaborateOperationProgress.wav | Another operation is in progress. |
CollaborateOutgoingRequest.wav | Enter the phone number of the participant you are calling. |
CollaborateOwnerLeavesConferenceEnds.wav | The moderator has left the conference. The conference will now end. |
CollaborateOwnerRequired.wav | The moderator has not joined the conference yet. Please wait. |
CollaborateParticipantAddSuccess.wav | You will now be placed into the conference. |
CollaborateParticipantNotAvailable.wav | The participant is not available. |
File Name | Audio Text |
CollaborateReturnToConference.wav | Returning to the conference. |
CollaborateReturnToConferencePrompt.wav | Press any key to return to the conference. |
CollaborateScheduleWarning.wav | The conference is scheduled to end in … |
CollaborateServiceFailed.wav | This service could not be completed. |
CollaborateServiceFailure.wav | The Conference service is temporarily unavailable. |
CollaborateTerminated.wav | This conference is terminated. |
CollaborateToReturnToConference.wav | To return to the conference, … |
CollaborateTryLater.wav | Please try again later. |
CollaborateTurnOffMusic.wav | To turn off the music, press #. |
CollaborateUnMute.wav | You are now unmuted. |
CollaborateUnlockConference.wav | This conference is unlocked. |
CollaborateUserDropped.wav | The Moderator has disconnected your call. |
EACallPushFailure.wav | There is no valid call to push at this time. Please hang up and try again later. Thank you. |
EACallPushSuccess.wav | Your call has been successfully pushed to the executive. Thank you. |
EAInitiateCallDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number. |
EAInitiateCallExecutivePrompt.wav | Please enter the number of the executive to initiate a call on behalf of, followed by the hash key. |
EAInvalidExecutiveAddress.wav | The executive number you entered is not valid. Please hang up and try again later. Thank you. |
EAOptinOptoutDisabled.wav | The executive does not allow assistant opt in and opt out. Please hang up and try again later. Thank you. |
EAOptinPrompt.wav | Please enter the number of the executive to opt in for, followed by the hash key. |
EAOptinSuccess.wav | You have successfully opted in for the executive. Thank you. |
EAOptoutPrompt.wav | Please enter the number of the executive to opt out for, followed by the hash key. |
EAOptoutSuccess.wav | You have successfully opted out for the executive. Thank you. |
ECNWarning.wav | This is an expensive call. If you don’t hang up now, charges will apply. |
EscalatedCallInvalidSupervisor.wav | The supervisor you wish to escalate the call to is not a valid supervisor. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
ExecutiveCallFilteringActivationSuccess.wav | Call filtering has been successfully activated for your executive service. Thank you. |
ExecutiveCallFilteringDeactivationSuccess.wav | Call filtering has been successfully deactivated for your executive service. Thank you. |
GCPParkedAgainstPlayback.wav | The call is parked against… |
GroupPagingOriginatorAnnc.wav | Paging system ready. |
File Name | Audio Text |
GroupPagingTargetAnnc.wav | Paging. |
HCBAuthPromptIntro.wav | This type of call requires the collection of a valid passcode to proceed. Please enter your passcode followed by the hash key. |
HCBMaxDurationExceeded.wav | Your call has been released because it has reached its maximum allowed duration. |
HCBTrtInCallRestrict.wav | The person you are calling cannot accept calls from this location. |
HCBTrtOutCallRestrict.wav | You are not able to make this call. Please contact your system administrator for assistance. Thank you. |
HGBusyActivationSuccess.wav | The Hunt Group Busy policy has been activated successfully. |
HGBusyDeactivationSuccess.wav | The Hunt Group Busy policy has been deactivated successfully. |
HGBusyEnterId.wav | Please enter the Hunt Group ID now, followed by the hash key. |
HGBusyFailure.wav | This operation cannot be completed at this time, please hang up and try again later. |
HGBusyInterrogationActive.wav | The Hunt Group Busy policy is currently active. |
HGBusyInterrogationInactive.wav | The Hunt Group Busy policy is currently inactive. |
HGBusyInvalidId.wav | This Hunt Group ID is not valid. |
ICBridgeInactive.wav | We’re sorry, this conference bridge is not active. Please consult your moderator and try again later. |
ICMaxPortsReached.wav | We’re sorry, the maximum capacity for this conference has been reached. Please try your call again later. |
INTintroduction.wav | The number you are trying to reach is out of service. |
INTnewNumber.wav | The new number is… |
INTtoConnect.wav | Press zero now if you wish to be transferred to the new location. |
LegacyACBActivationDenied.wav | We’re sorry. You may not request Automatic Callback on this type of subscriber. |
LegacyACBActivationFailure.wav | We’re sorry. We are unable to activate your request. |
LegacyACBActivationSuccessBegin.wav | You have successfully activated Automatic Callback. The person will be monitored for… |
LegacyACBActivationSuccessEnd.wav | …minutes. You will be notified by special ringing when the person is available. Thank you. |
LegacyACBBusyOnCallback.wav | The line you are calling is busy again. We will keep trying. |
LegacyACBDeactivationSuccess.wav | All outstanding Automatic Callback requests have been canceled. Thank you. |
File Name | Audio Text |
MaliciousCallTraceWarning.wav | The person you are calling has requested this call to be traced. If you would like to continue this call, please stay on the line while the call is connected. Otherwise, hang up. |
MeetMeConferenceAnyKey.wav | Press any key for… |
MeetMeConferenceAutomaticLectureModeOn.wav | Automatic lecture mode is now enabled. |
MeetMeConferenceConfirmTerminate.wav | You are trying to terminate the conference; to confirm, … |
MeetMeConferenceContactModerator.wav | Please contact a moderator. |
MeetMeConferenceContactModeratorToUnlock .wav | Please contact a moderator to unlock. |
MeetMeConferenceDenyLectureMode.wav | This option is not allowed in automatic lecture mode. |
MeetMeConferenceEnd.wav | The conference is now ended. |
MeetMeConferenceEnterId.wav | Please enter a conference ID and press #. |
MeetMeConferenceEnterSecurityPin.wav | Please enter the security pin and press #. |
MeetMeConferenceEnterSelfIdentifyCode.wav | Please enter the Self Identify Code and press #. |
MeetMeConferenceExpired.wav | This conference has expired. |
MeetMeConferenceFinalWarning.wav | The conference will end in … |
MeetMeConferenceFirstParticipant.wav | You are the first participant in the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceForLectureMode.wav | For lecture mode, … |
MeetMeConferenceHelp.wav | Press * for help. |
MeetMeConferenceHoldParticipant.wav | Moderator has kept your call on hold. |
MeetMeConferenceHundred.wav | … hundred … |
MeetMeConferenceInactiveBridge.wav | Conference bridge is currently inactive. Please contact the administrator. |
MeetMeConferenceInactiveBridgeNew.wav | The Conference Bridge is currently inactive. Please contact the administrator. |
MeetMeConferenceInvalid.wav | That is not a valid conference ID. |
MeetMeConferenceInvalidModeratorPin.wav | That is not the valid moderator PIN. |
MeetMeConferenceInvalidOption.wav | This is an invalid option. |
MeetMeConferenceInvalidSecurityPin.wav | This is not a valid security pin. |
MeetMeConferenceInvalidSelfIdentifyCode.wav | This is not a valid Self Identify Code. |
MeetMeConferenceInvitationRejected.wav | The participant has rejected the invitation. |
MeetMeConferenceJoinAccepted.wav | The participant will join the conference now. |
MeetMeConferenceJoinInvitationWait.wav | Please wait while the participant is called. |
MeetMeConferenceJoinRequest.wav | You have been invited to join a conference call. Please press one to join the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceLastModeratorTransferTo Operator.wav | You are the last moderator in the conference. The conference will terminate if you continue this operation. Press one to continue. |
MeetMeConferenceLectureModeOff.wav | The lecture mode is off. |
File Name | Audio Text |
MeetMeConferenceLectureModeOffNew.wav | All participants are now unmuted. |
MeetMeConferenceLectureModeOffNewest.wav | Lecture mode is off. |
MeetMeConferenceLectureModeOn.wav | The lecture mode is on. |
MeetMeConferenceLectureModeOnNew.wav | All participants are now muted. |
MeetMeConferenceLectureModeOnNewest.wav | Lecture mode is on. All participants are now muted. |
MeetMeConferenceLockConference.wav | This conference is locked. |
MeetMeConferenceLockUnlock.wav | For conference lock and unlock, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenu.wav | To repeat these options, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuEndConf.wav | To end the conference, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuInvite.wav | To call a new participant, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuLogModerator.wav | To log in as a moderator, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuMute.wav | To mute, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuPress.wav | Press, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuRollCall.wav | To get the list of participants, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuSelfIdentify.wav | To self Identify, … |
MeetMeConferenceMenuTransferOperator.wav | To transfer to the operator… |
MeetMeConferenceMenuUnmute.wav | To unmute, … |
MeetMeConferenceMissingMediaFile.wav | Media file is missing. |
MeetMeConferenceModeratorJoin.wav | You have joined the conference as a moderator. |
MeetMeConferenceModeratorLeavesConference Ends.wav | The moderator has left the conference. The conference will now end. |
MeetMeConferenceModeratorLogin.wav | You are logged in as moderator. |
MeetMeConferenceModeratorPinPrompt.wav | Please enter the moderator PIN and press #. |
MeetMeConferenceModeratorRequired.wav | The moderator has not joined the conference yet. Please wait. |
MeetMeConferenceMute.wav | You are muted. |
MeetMeConferenceMuteNew.wav | You are now muted. |
MeetMeConferenceNameRecord.wav | Please record your name after the tone and press #. |
MeetMeConferenceNotStarted.wav | The conference has not started. |
MeetMeConferenceNowJoining.wav | Now joining, … |
MeetMeConferenceNowLeaving.wav | Now leaving, … |
MeetMeConferenceNumberOfParticipantsEnd.wav | … participants in the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceNumberOfParticipantsStart .wav | There are, … |
MeetMeConferenceOnHold.wav | The moderator has placed your call on hold. |
MeetMeConferenceOneParticipantStartAndEnd .wav | There is 1 participant in the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceOperationProgress.wav | Another operation is in progress. |
File Name | Audio Text |
MeetMeConferenceOperatorTransfer.wav | You are being transferred to the operator. |
MeetMeConferenceOutgoingRequest.wav | Enter the phone number of the participant you are calling. |
MeetMeConferenceParticipantAddSuccess.wav | You will now be placed into the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceParticipantNotAvailable.wav | The participant is not available. |
MeetMeConferenceParticipantRollCount.wav | The participants are, … |
MeetMeConferencePauseRecord.wav | To pause recording, … |
MeetMeConferencePinRequest.wav | Please enter the PIN. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingFailed.wav | Failed to save conference recording. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingMaxSizeReached .wav | Conference recording was stopped since the maximum recording size was reached. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingMenu.wav | For conference recording, … |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingSilenceDetected.wav | Conference recording was not saved since the recording contained only silence. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingStarted.wav | This conference is recorded. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingStartedNew.wav | Conference recording has started. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingStop.wav | This conference is not recorded. |
MeetMeConferenceRecordingStopNew.wav | Conference recording has stopped. |
MeetMeConferenceResumeRecord.wav | To resume recording, … |
MeetMeConferenceRetrieveParticipant.wav | Your call is retrieved. Now joining the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceReturnToConference.wav | Returning to the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceReturnToConferencePrompt .wav | Press any key to return to the conference. |
MeetMeConferenceScheduleWarning.wav | The conference is scheduled to end in … |
MeetMeConferenceServiceFailed.wav | This service could not be completed. |
MeetMeConferenceServiceFailure.wav | The Conference service is temporarily unavailable. |
MeetMeConferenceStartRecord.wav | To start recording, … |
MeetMeConferenceStartRecordFailure.wav | The conference recording couldn’t be started. |
MeetMeConferenceStartRecordFailureNew.wav | Conference recording could not be started. |
MeetMeConferenceStopRecord.wav | To stop recording, … |
MeetMeConferenceTerminated.wav | This conference is terminated. |
MeetMeConferenceTerminatedNew.wav | The conference has been terminated by the Moderator. |
MeetMeConferenceToLock.wav | … to lock. |
MeetMeConferenceToReturnToConference.wav | To return to the conference, … |
MeetMeConferenceToUnlock.wav | … to unlock. |
MeetMeConferenceTryLater.wav | Please try again later. |
MeetMeConferenceTryingParticipant.wav | Please wait while the participant is called. Press * to abort this request. |
MeetMeConferenceTurnOff.wav | … to turn OFF… |
File Name | Audio Text |
MeetMeConferenceTurnOffMusic.wav | To turn off the music, press #. |
MeetMeConferenceTurnOn.wav | … to turn ON… |
MeetMeConferenceUnMute.wav | You are unmuted. |
MeetMeConferenceUnMuteNew.wav | You are now unmuted. |
MeetMeConferenceUnlockConference.wav | This conference is unlocked. |
MeetMeConferenceUnmuteFailure.wav | You cannot unmute now. |
MeetMeConferenceUnmuteFailureNew.wav | You are not allowed to unmute while lecture mode is on. |
MeetMeConferenceUserDropped.wav | The Moderator has disconnected your call. |
MobilityCallingLineIDActivationFailure.wav | We’re sorry. your calling line ID presentation could not be set to your mobile phone’s number. Thank you. |
MobilityCallingLineIDActivationSuccess.wav | Your calling line ID presentation has been set to your mobile phone’s number. Thank you. |
MobilityCallingLineIDDeactivationFailure.wav | We’re sorry. your calling line ID presentation could not be set to your business phone’s number. Thank you. |
MobilityCallingLineIDDeactivationSuccess.wav | Your calling line ID presentation has been set to your business phone’s number. Thank you. |
MobilityUnsupportedDevice.wav | We’re sorry. This service request is only valid for mobile devices. Thank you. |
MobilityUserDevicesCallBlocked.wav | We’re sorry. Calls to your own mobile are not allowed. |
NoAnswerTimerPrompt.wav | Please enter the number of rings before the system applies No-Answer handling for your incoming calls. |
NoAnswerTimerSetFailure.wav | This operation cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try again later. |
NoAnswerTimerSetInvalid.wav | Sorry, this duration is not possible. |
NoAnswerTimerSetSuccessBegin.wav | The system will apply No-Answer handling after… |
NoAnswerTimerSetSuccessEnd.wav | … rings for your incoming calls. |
NoAnswerTimerValidValuesBegin.wav | Valid durations are 0 or 2 to… |
NoAnswerTimerValidValuesEnd.wav | …rings. |
NumberPortabilityAnnouncementActivation Success.wav | Your Number Portability Announcement service has been activated successfully. Thank You. |
File Name | Audio Text |
NumberPortabilityAnnouncementDeactivation Success.wav | Your Number Portability Announcement service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
NumberPortabilityDefaultAnnouncement.wav | The number you have dialed is ported and may incur additional charges. If you would like to continue this call, stay on the line while the call is connected. Otherwise, please hang up now. |
NumberPortabilityDefaultAnnouncementSilence Suffix.wav | (2 seconds of silence) |
OfficeZoneAnnouncement.wav | This call is originated within your office zone. |
PAIsAtLunch.wav | …is at lunch. |
PAIsAtLunchUntil.wav | …is at lunch until… |
PAIsGoneForTheDay.wav | …is gone for the day. |
PAIsGoneForTheDayUntil.wav | …is gone for the day until… |
PAIsInAMeeting.wav | …is in a meeting. |
PAIsInAMeetingUntil.wav | …is in a meeting until… |
PAIsInTraining.wav | …is in training. |
PAIsInTrainingUntil.wav | …is in training until… |
PAIsOnABusinessTrip.wav | …is on a business trip. |
PAIsOnABusinessTripUntil.wav | …is on a business trip until… |
PAIsOnVacation.wav | …is on vacation. |
PAIsOnVacationUntil.wav | …is on vacation until… |
PAIsOutOfTheOffice.wav | …is out of the office. |
PAIsOutOfTheOfficeUntil.wav | …is out of the office until… |
PAIsTemporarilyOut.wav | …is temporarily out. |
PAIsTemporarilyOutUntil.wav | …is temporarily out until… |
PAIsUnavailable.wav | …is unavailable. |
PAIsUnavailableUntil.wav | …is unavailable until… |
PAOrStayOnLineToLeaveVM.wav | …or stay on the line to leave a voice message. |
PAOtherwise.wav | Otherwise … |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsAtLunch.wav | The person you are calling is at lunch. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsAtLunchUntil.wav | The person you are calling is at lunch until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsGoneForTheDay.wav | The person you are calling is gone for the day. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsGoneForTheDayUntil .wav | The person you are calling is gone for the day until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsInAMeeting.wav | The person you are calling is in a meeting. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsInAMeetingUntil.wav | The person you are calling is in a meeting until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsInTraining.wav | The person you are calling is in training. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsInTrainingUntil.wav | The person you are calling is in training until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsOnABusinessTrip.wav | The person you are calling is on a business trip. |
File Name | Audio Text |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsOnABusinessTripUntil .wav | The person you are calling is on a business trip until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsOnVacation.wav | The person you are calling is on vacation. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsOnVacationUntil.wav | The person you are calling is on vacation until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsOutOfOffice.wav | The person you are calling is out of the office. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsOutOfOfficeUntil.wav | The person you are calling is out of the office until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsTemporarilyOut.wav | The person you are calling is temporarily out. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsTemporarilyOutUntil.wav | The person you are calling is temporarily out until… |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsUnavailable.wav | The person you are calling is unavailable. |
PAPersonYouAreCallingIsUnavailableUntil.wav | The person you are calling is unavailable until… |
PASilence.wav | (3 seconds of silence) |
PAToBeTransferredToAttendant.wav | To be transferred to an attendant … |
PTTReject.wav | The person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time. |
PrepaidMidCallInsufficientCredits.wav | The call has been disconnected because you ran out of credits. Please replenish your account. |
QueueDefaultComfortBypass.wav | Please hold while we transfer you to an agent. |
QueueDefaultComfortNoEscape.wav | Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the next available agent. |
QueueDefaultComfortWithEscape.wav | Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the next available agent… |
QueueDefaultEntranceNoEscape.wav | Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the next available agent. |
QueueDefaultEntranceWithEscape.wav | Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the next available agent… |
QueueDefaultEscapeDigitEnd.wav | …to leave a message. |
QueueDefaultEscapeDigitStart.wav | …or press… |
QueueDefaultForcedForwarding.wav | Your call is very important to us but due to an emergency, our agents are not available. Please hold on while we transfer you to a location that may assist you. |
QueueDefaultHolidayService.wav | Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us on a scheduled holiday. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message. |
QueueDefaultManualNightService.wav | Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us outside of business hours. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message. |
QueueDefaultNightService.wav | Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us outside of business hours. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message. |
File Name | Audio Text |
QueueDefaultOverflow.wav | Your call is very important to us but due to the high volume of calls, we cannot answer your call. Please hold while we transfer you to Voice Messaging so that we can help you as soon as possible. |
QueueDefaultStrandedMessage.wav | Your call is very important to us, but no agents are available. |
QueueDefaultStrandedUnavailableMessage.wav | Your call is very important to us, but no agents are available. |
QueueDefaultWhisperMsg.wav | New call from queue. |
QueueEntranceMaxPosition.wav | We are experiencing a high volume of calls. Please hold. |
QueueEntranceMaxWaitTime.wav | We are experiencing a high volume of calls. Please hold. |
QueueEntrancePositionEnd.wav | … in the queue. Please hold. |
QueueEntrancePositionStart.wav | You are caller number… |
QueueEntranceWaitTimeEnd.wav | Please hold. |
QueueEntranceWaitTimeStart.wav | Your call should be answered in approximately… |
QueueForcedForwardingActFail.wav | The number you have entered is not valid. The Forced Forwarding option for this call center was not modified. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
QueueForcedForwardingActNumberPrompt.wav | Please enter the call center phone number for which you want to activate Forced Forwarding, followed by the hash key. |
QueueForcedForwardingActSuccess.wav | The Forced Forwarding option for this call center has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
QueueForcedForwardingDeactNumberPrompt.wav | Please enter the call center phone number for which you want to deactivate Forced Forwarding, followed by the hash key. |
QueueForcedForwardingDeactSuccess.wav | The Forced Forwarding option for this call center has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
QueueForcedForwardingDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number, followed by the hash key. |
QueueForcedForwardingInvalidNumber.wav | The call center phone number you have entered is not valid. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
QueueForcedForwardingUnauthorized.wav | You are not allowed to activate or deactivate Forced Forwarding for this call center. Thank you. |
QueueNightServiceMOActConfirmation.wav | The Night Service manual override for this call center has been activated. Thank you. |
QueueNightServiceMOActNumberPrompt.wav | Please enter the call center phone number for which you want to activate the Night Service manual override, followed by the hash key. |
QueueNightServiceMODeactConfirmation.wav | The Night Service manual override for this call center has been deactivated. Thank you. |
QueueNightServiceMODeactNumberPrompt.wav | Please enter the call center phone number for which you want to deactivate the Night Service manual override, followed by the hash key. |
File Name | Audio Text |
QueueNightServiceMOInvalidNumber.wav | The call center phone number you have entered is not valid. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
QueueNightServiceMOUnauthorized.wav | You are not allowed to activate or deactivate the Night Service manual override for this call center. Thank you. |
QueueOutgoingCallDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number, followed by the hash key. |
QueueOutgoingCallInvalidNumber.wav | The call center phone number you have entered is not valid. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
QueueOutgoingCallNumPrompt.wav | Please enter the phone number of the call center that you wish to use for your outgoing call followed by the hash key. |
ReturnCallActivationBegin.wav | To activate Call Return, dial … |
ReturnCallActivationEnd.wav | … otherwise hang up. |
ReturnCallDeleteConfirmation.wav | Thank you. The last incoming number for Call Return is now deleted. |
ReturnCallDigitNotValid.wav | Sorry, this digit is not valid. |
ReturnCallIncomingNumber.wav | The last incoming number was … |
ReturnCallPleaseTryAgain.wav | We are sorry you are experiencing problems. Please try again later. |
ReturnCallReceivedDate.wav | This call was received on … |
ReturnCallRestrictedDenial.wav | The number you are trying to reach is anonymous and cannot be called with Call Return. |
ReturnCallRestrictedNumber.wav | The last incoming number cannot be announced. |
ReturnCallUnavailableNumber.wav | We were unable to determine the telephone number of the calling person. Call Return cannot be activated at this time. Please hang up. |
RoutePointDefaultForcedForwarding.wav | Your call is very important to us but due to an emergency, our agents are not available. Please hold on while we transfer you to a location that may assist you. |
RoutePointDefaultHolidayService.wav | Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us on a scheduled holiday. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message. |
RoutePointDefaultManualNightService.wav | Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us outside of business hours. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message. |
RoutePointDefaultNightService.wav | Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us outside of business hours. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message. |
RoutePointDefaultOverflow.wav | Your call is very important to us but due to the high volume of calls, we cannot answer your call. Please hold while we transfer you to voice messaging so that we can help you as soon as possible. |
SACLockProcedure.wav | Calls locking procedure. |
File Name | Audio Text |
SACUnlockProcedure.wav | Calls unlocking procedure. |
SCAActivationConfirmation.wav | This location has been activated. |
SCADeactivationConfirmation.wav | This location has been deactivated |
SCRInterrogationActive.wav | The Selective Call Rejection service is currently activated. |
SCRInterrogationInactive.wav | The Selective Call Rejection service is currently deactivated. |
SecurityClassificationCallUnclassified.wav | The current security level for this call is unclassified. |
SeqRingComfort.wav | The person you are trying to reach is still being located. Please wait. |
SeqRingComfortAllowSkip.wav | The person you are trying to reach is still being located. Please wait or press the hash key to leave a message. |
SeqRingInitial.wav | Please stay on the line while we locate the person you are trying to reach. |
SeqRingInitialAllowSkip.wav | Please stay on the line while we locate the person you are trying to reach, or press the hash key at any time to interrupt the search process and leave a message. |
SilentMonitorInvalidNumber.wav | The number of the agent you wish to monitor is not valid. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
SilentMonitorLowClassification.wav | You are not allowed to monitor an agent that has a security classification higher than yours. |
SilentMonitorOverridenClassification.wav | You are not allowed to monitor the call at this time. Increase your current security classification and try again. |
Spelling/ExtendedCharacter.wav | Extended character |
Spelling/ForeignCharacter.wav | Foreign character |
Spelling/Pause1000.wav | (1,000 ms of silence) |
Spelling/Pause500.wav | (500 ms of silence) |
Spelling/SpecialCharacter.wav | Special character |
Spelling/SpecialSymbol.wav | Special symbol |
Spelling/U0021_Exclamation.wav | Exclamation mark |
Spelling/U0023_Hash.wav | Hash |
Spelling/U0024_DollarSign.wav | Dollar |
Spelling/U0024_DollarSignPlural.wav | Dollars |
Spelling/U0026_Ampersand.wav | Ampersand |
Spelling/U0026_And.wav | And |
Spelling/U0027_Quote.wav | Quote |
Spelling/U0027_SingleQuote.wav | Single quote |
Spelling/U0028_LeftParenthesis.wav | Left parenthesis |
Spelling/U0029_RightParenthesis.wav | Right parenthesis |
File Name | Audio Text |
Spelling/U002A_Asterisk.wav | Asterisk |
Spelling/U002A_Star.wav | Star |
Spelling/U002B_Plus.wav | Plus |
Spelling/U002C_Comma.wav | Comma |
Spelling/U002D_Dash.wav | Dash |
Spelling/U002D_Minus.wav | Minus |
Spelling/U002E_Dot.wav | Dot |
Spelling/U002E_Point.wav | Point |
Spelling/U002F_Slash.wav | Slash |
Spelling/U003A_Semicolon.wav | Semicolon |
Spelling/U003B_Colon.wav | Colon |
Spelling/U003C_Smaller.wav | Smaller than |
Spelling/U003D_Equal.wav | Equal |
Spelling/U003E_Greater.wav | Greater than |
Spelling/U003F_Question.wav | Question mark |
Spelling/U0040_At.wav | At |
Spelling/U0041_LetterA.wav | A |
Spelling/U0042_LetterB.wav | B |
Spelling/U0043_LetterC.wav | C |
Spelling/U0044_LetterD.wav | D |
Spelling/U0045_LetterE.wav | E |
Spelling/U0046_LetterF.wav | F |
Spelling/U0047_LetterG.wav | G |
Spelling/U0048_LetterH.wav | H |
Spelling/U0049_LetterI.wav | I |
Spelling/U004A_LetterJ.wav | J |
Spelling/U004B_LetterK.wav | K |
Spelling/U004C_LetterL.wav | L |
Spelling/U004D_LetterM.wav | M |
Spelling/U004E_LetterN.wav | N |
Spelling/U004F_LetterO.wav | O |
Spelling/U0050_LetterP.wav | P |
Spelling/U0051_LetterQ.wav | Q |
Spelling/U0052_LetterR.wav | R |
Spelling/U0053_LetterS.wav | S |
Spelling/U0054_LetterT.wav | T |
Spelling/U0055_LetterU.wav | U |
File Name | Audio Text |
Spelling/U0056_LetterV.wav | V |
Spelling/U0057_LetterW.wav | W |
Spelling/U0058_LetterX.wav | X |
Spelling/U0059_LetterY.wav | Y |
Spelling/U005A_LetterZ.wav | Z |
Spelling/U005B_LeftBracket.wav | Left bracket |
Spelling/U005D_RightBracket.wav | Right bracket |
Spelling/U005F_Underscore.wav | Underscore |
Spelling/U007B_LeftBrace.wav | Left brace |
Spelling/U007C_VerticalBar.wav | Vertical bar |
Spelling/U007D_RightBrace.wav | Right brace |
Spelling/U007E_Tilde.wav | Tilde |
Spelling/U00A9_Copyright.wav | Copyright |
Spelling/U00AE_Registered.wav | Registered |
Spelling/U00B0_Degree.wav | Degree |
Spelling/U00B2_Square.wav | Square |
Spelling/U00B3_Cube.wav | Cube |
Spelling/U00B7_CenterDot.wav | Dot |
Spelling/U00D7_Times.wav | Times |
Spelling/U2122_Trademark.wav | Trademark |
Spelling/UnknownCharacter.wav | Unknown character |
Spelling/UnknownSymbol.wav | Unknown symbol |
ThankYouForCalling.wav | Thank you for calling. |
TrtACRActSuccess.wav | Your Anonymous Call Rejection service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtACRDeactSuccess.wav | Your Anonymous Call Rejection service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtAccountAuthCodes.wav | Your call cannot be completed. |
TrtAnonymousCall.wav | The person you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls. Please try your call again later. Thank you. |
TrtAutomaticCallbackError.wav | We are sorry. Your Automatic Callback request cannot be processed at this time. |
TrtCBActSuccess.wav | You have successfully activated communication barring for profile number… |
TrtCBDeactSuccess.wav | Your Communication Barring service has been deactivated successfully, thank you. |
File Name | Audio Text |
TrtCBInvalidPin.wav | We’re sorry, this Communication Barring security code is invalid. Please verify the security code and try again. |
TrtCBInvalidProfile.wav | We’re sorry; this Communication Barring profile does not exist. Please verify the profile code and try again. |
TrtCBInvalidProfilePin.wav | We’re sorry. To activate your Communication Barring service, you need to enter a valid profile followed by a security code. |
TrtCBLockedOut.wav | We’re sorry; the Communication Barring service cannot be modified at this time. Please try again in … |
TrtCBLockingOut.wav | This security code is invalid. For your security, your Communication Barring service will be locked out for … |
TrtCBQueryActive.wav | Your Communication Barring service is currently active with profile number… |
TrtCBQueryInactive.wav | Your Communication Barring service is currently inactive. |
TrtCFAActFail.wav | The number you have entered is not valid. Call Forwarding Always configuration was not modified. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtCFAActSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding Always service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFADeactSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding Always service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFAInterrogationActive.wav | The Call Forwarding Always service is currently activated. The current forwarding destination is … |
TrtCFAInterrogationInactive.wav | The Call Forwarding Always service is currently deactivated. |
TrtCFBActFail.wav | The number you have entered is not valid. Call Forwarding Busy configuration was not modified. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtCFBActSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding Busy service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFBDeactSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding Busy service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFBInterrogationActive.wav | The Call Forwarding Busy service is currently activated. The current forwarding destination is … |
TrtCFBInterrogationInactive.wav | The Call Forwarding Busy service is currently deactivated. |
TrtCFNAActFail.wav | The number you have entered is not valid. Call Forwarding No Answer configuration was not modified. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtCFNAActSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding No Answer service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFNADeactSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding No Answer service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
File Name | Audio Text |
TrtCFNAInterrogationActive.wav | The Call Forwarding No Answer service is currently activated. The current forwarding destination is … |
TrtCFNAInterrogationInactive.wav | The Call Forwarding No Answer service is currently deactivated. |
TrtCFNRcActFail.wav | The number you have entered is not valid. Call Forwarding Not Reachable configuration was not modified. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtCFNRcActSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding Not Reachable service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFNRcDeactSuccess.wav | Your Call Forwarding Not Reachable service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCFNRcInterrogationActive.wav | The Call Forwarding Not Reachable service is currently activated. The current forwarding destination is … |
TrtCFNRcInterrogationInactive.wav | The Call Forwarding Not Reachable service is currently deactivated. |
TrtCOTFailure.wav | We are sorry. A tracing could not be performed on the call. |
TrtCOTSuccess.wav | A trace has been performed on the last incoming call. Thank you. |
TrtCallFailure.wav | We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later. Thank you. |
TrtCallParkConfirm.wav | Your call has been parked. Thank you. |
TrtCallParkError.wav | We’re sorry, we were unable to retrieve the parked call. Please try again. Thank you. |
TrtCallParkPrompt.wav | Please dial the number where you want to park your call, followed by hash. Or, dial hash to park the call against your number. |
TrtCallParkRetrievePrompt.wav | To retrieve a parked call, dial the number where the call was parked followed by hash. Or, dial hash to retrieve the call parked against your number. |
TrtCallPushActSuccess.wav | Your call has been pushed successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCallPushFailure.wav | We’re sorry. The system cannot push your call at this time. Thank you. |
TrtCallRecordingActSuccess.wav | Your Call Recording service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCallRecordingDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number for Call Recording, followed by the # key. |
TrtCallRecordingEnded.wav | Call Recording has ended. |
TrtCallRecordingPaused.wav | Recording is paused. |
TrtCallRecordingPausedActSuccess.wav | Your Call Recording service has been paused successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCallRecordingResumed.wav | Recording is resumed. |
File Name | Audio Text |
TrtCallRecordingResumedActSuccess.wav | Your Call Recording service has been resumed successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCallRecordingStarted.wav | This call is being recorded. |
TrtCallRecordingStoppedActSuccess.wav | Your Call Recording service has been stopped successfully. Thank you. |
TrtCallReturnFail.wav | We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed. The caller ID needed to return the last call is unavailable. |
TrtCreditControlFailure.wav | We’re sorry. The system cannot process your service request at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later. Thank you. |
TrtDNDActSuccess.wav | Your Do Not Disturb service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtDNDDeactSuccess.wav | Your Do Not Disturb service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtDialToneTimeout.wav | If you would like to make a call, please hang up, and try your call again. |
TrtDirectedMSNFeatureNotAvailable.wav | The feature is not available. |
TrtDirectedMSNTargetNotFound.wav | The target user is not found. |
TrtEmZoneRestrictAll.wav | Calls cannot be originated from this mobile SIP device. Please use a regular telephone to originate calls. |
TrtEmZoneRestrictEm.wav | Emergency calls cannot be originated from this mobile SIP device. Please use a regular telephone to originate emergency calls. |
TrtIncCallReceiveRestrict.wav | You are not able to receive this call. Please contact your system administrator for assistance. Thank you. |
TrtIncCallRestrict.wav | The person you are trying to reach is not able to receive your call. |
TrtIncCallRetrieveRestrict.wav | You are not able to retrieve this call. Please contact your system administrator for assistance. Thank you. |
TrtIncCollectCallRestrict.wav | The person you are calling cannot receive collect calls. Please hang up now. |
TrtInsufficientCredits.wav | You do not have sufficient credits to complete this call. |
TrtInterceptDeniedCall.wav | This line has been placed out of service. Your call cannot be processed. Please contact your administrator. |
TrtInterceptDeniedCallPartial.wav | This line has been temporarily placed out of service. You can receive calls but you cannot make calls. Please contact your operator. |
TrtMSNInterrogationTarget.wav | Number … |
TrtNetworkUnavailable.wav | We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later. Thank you. |
TrtOutCallRestrict.wav | You are not able to make this call. Please contact your system administrator for assistance. Thank you. |
File Name | Audio Text |
TrtPhysicalLocationOriginationBlocked.wav | Calls cannot be originated from this device’s current location. Please move the device back to its normal location and try again. |
TrtRemoteOfficeEmergencyCall.wav | Please hang up and place the call directly from your phone. You cannot place emergency calls from your computer when Remote Office is active. |
TrtRequiresOutsideAccessCode.wav | You must dial an outside access code to make this call. Please hang up and try your call again. |
TrtResourceUnavailable.wav | We’re sorry, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later. Thank you. |
TrtSC100Fail.wav | Speed Dial one hundred programming was not successful. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtSC100Success.wav | Speed Dial one hundred programming succeeded. Thank you. |
TrtSC8Fail.wav | Speed Dial 8 programming was not successful. Please hang up and try your call again. Thank you |
TrtSC8Success.wav | Speed Dial 8 programming succeeded. Thank you. |
TrtSCFActFailure.wav | Your Selective Call Forwarding service has not be activated successfully. The current service configuration is invalid. |
TrtSCFActSuccess.wav | Your Selective Call Forwarding service has been activated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtSCFDeactSuccess.wav | Your Selective Call Forwarding service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
TrtSelectCallReject.wav | The person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time. |
TrtSystemDifficulties.wav | Sorry, we are experiencing technical difficulties at the moment. Please hang up and try again later. Thank you. |
TrtSystemUnavailable.wav | We’re sorry, the system cannot process your service request at this time. Please hang up and try your call again later. Thank you. |
TrtThankYou.wav | Thank you. |
TrtUnknownNumber.wav | Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtUnknownRoute.wav | Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtUnknownUser.wav | The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try your call again. Thank you. |
TrtUnregisteredUser.wav | The device you are using is not registered to place calls on the network. Please contact your administrator for assistance. |
VMAlwaysActSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is now set to answer calls immediately. Thank you. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VMAlwaysDeactSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is now set to not answer calls immediately. Thank you. |
VMBusyActSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is now set to answer calls when you are busy. Thank you. |
VMBusyDeactSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is now set to not answer calls when you are busy. Thank you. |
VMCalledMailboxFull.wav | The mailbox of the person you are calling is currently full and cannot accept new messages. Please try your call again later. Thank you. |
VMCancelAndTransfer.wav | To cancel your recording and get transferred immediately, press two. |
VMClearMWIConfirmed.wav | Your voice message waiting indicator has been cleared. |
VMConfidMsg.wav | This message is confidential. |
VMConfirmConfid.wav | Your message is now marked as confidential. |
VMConfirmUnmarkConfid.wav | The confidential indication has been removed. |
VMConfirmUnmarkUrgent.wav | The urgent indication has been removed. |
VMConfirmUrgent.wav | Your message is now marked as urgent. |
VMDirectTransferFailure.wav | We’re sorry, your call cannot be transferred. |
VMDirectTransferMenu.wav | To transfer your call to your mailbox, press the hash key or hang up. To transfer your call to another mailbox, enter the mailbox ID now, followed by the hash key. To cancel, press the star key. |
VMDirectTransferSuccess.wav | Your call has been transferred. Thank you. |
VMMarkConfid.wav | To mark your message as confidential, press seven. |
VMMarkUrgent.wav | To mark your message as urgent, press six. |
VMMaximumDurationReached.wav | Your message has reached its maximum duration. |
VMMessageTooShort.wav | Sorry, the message recorded is too short. Please record it again. |
VMMsgDeleted.wav | Message deleted. |
VMNoAnswerActSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is now set to answer calls when you do not answer. Thank you. |
VMNoAnswerDeactSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is now set to not answer calls when you do not answer. Thank you. |
VMPostSendGoToVoicePortal.wav | To access the voice portal, press the star key. |
VMPreDepositWarningMsg.wav | Your call will be transferred to voice mail. |
VMRAt.wav | … at … |
VMRCallbackUnknownCaller.wav | Sorry, you cannot call back because the caller is unknown. |
VMRDays.wav | …days. |
VMRDeleteAllMsgCancelled.wav | No messages were deleted. |
VMRDeletedAllMessages.wav | All messages were deleted. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VMRDestRequiresExtension.wav | This destination requires an extension. |
VMRDestUnreachable.wav | Sorry, the destination is currently unreachable. |
VMRDistListInvalid.wav | You do not have a distribution list associated with this key. |
VMRDistListPartialSent.wav | The message was sent, but some recipients on your list were not reachable. |
VMRDistListSent.wav | The message was sent to all mailboxes in the list. |
VMRErrorMsgNoHangUp.wav | This operation cannot be completed at this time. |
VMRExtAwayActivated.wav | Your extended away greeting has been activated. |
VMRExtAwayDeactivated.wav | Your extended away greeting has been deactivated. |
VMRExtension.wav | …extension… |
VMRFaxMessagingMenuErase.wav | To erase this fax message, … |
VMRFaxMessagingMenuPlay.wav | To play the fax message envelope, … |
VMRFaxMessagingMenuPrint.wav | To print this fax message, … |
VMRFaxMessagingMenuSave.wav | To save this fax message and go to the next message, … |
VMRFaxNumberOfPagesBegin.wav | …and contains… |
VMRFaxNumberOfPagesMultiEnd.wav | …pages |
VMRFaxNumberOfPagesSingleEnd.wav | …one page. |
VMRFirstDelMsgGreeting.wav | First deleted message. |
VMRFirstNewMsgGreeting.wav | First new message. |
VMRFirstSaveMsgGreeting.wav | First saved message. |
VMRForwardedMsgDelim.wav | Forwarded message. |
VMRFriday.wav | …Friday… |
VMRFrom.wav | …from… |
VMRFwdEmptyIntro.wav | Sorry, no introduction was recorded. |
VMRInvMboxMsg.wav | This mailbox cannot be found on the system. |
VMRInvMenuInputMsg.wav | This key is not valid. Please try again. |
VMRInvPswdMsg.wav | This passcode is not valid. |
VMRInvalidExtension.wav | Sorry, the extension you entered is not valid. |
VMRLockedOutPswdMsg.wav | Your voice portal access is locked out. Please contact your group administrator to reset the passcode. |
VMRMailboxFull.wav | Your mailbox is currently full and cannot accept new messages. Please delete your saved messages. Thank you. |
VMRMbox.wav | … |
VMRMboxNotFoundEnd.wav | …cannot be found on the system. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VMRMboxPrompt.wav | Please enter your extension now. |
VMRMboxPromptAlias.wav | Please enter your mailbox ID now, followed by the hash key. |
VMRMessageTooShort.wav | Sorry, the message recorded is too short. Please record it again. |
VMRMonday.wav | …Monday |
VMRMoreThan100.wav | … more than 100… |
VMRMsgMarkForDelete.wav | Message deleted. |
VMRMsgMarkToSave.wav | Message saved. |
VMRMsgRecSuccessMsg.wav | Thank you, your message has been recorded. |
VMRMsgSaved0day.wav | Message saved until midnight. |
VMRMsgSaved1day.wav | Message saved until midnight tomorrow. |
VMRMsgSavedFor.wav | Message saved for… |
VMRMsgWithFax.wav | Fax. |
VMRMsgWithVideo.wav | Video. |
VMRNameDeleted.wav | Your name recording has been deleted. |
VMRNameNotRecorded.wav | Your name is currently not recorded. |
VMRNameRecorded.wav | Thank you. Your name has been recorded. |
VMRNameTimeout.wav | Your name recording failed because it timed out. Please try again. |
VMRNewMessagesInMbox.wav | … new messages in your mailbox. |
VMRNewMsgsAnd.wav | … new messages and … |
VMRNewUrgentMsgsAnd.wav | … new urgent messages, and… |
VMRNewUrgentMsgsInMbox.wav | … new urgent messages in your mailbox. |
VMRNewUrgentMsgsMiddle.wav | … new urgent messages, … |
VMRNextDelMsgGreeting.wav | Next deleted message. |
VMRNextNewMsgGreeting.wav | Next new message. |
VMRNextSaveMsgGreeting.wav | Next saved message. |
VMRNoFwdConfidMsg.wav | You cannot forward a confidential message. |
VMRNoMoreMsgsGreeting.wav | You have listened to all messages in your mailbox. |
VMRNoMsgsGreeting.wav | There are no new or saved messages in your mailbox. |
VMRNoVoiceMessageAttachmentError.wav | This voice message is improperly formatted and cannot be retrieved by the system. Please delete it from your mailbox. |
VMROldMsgs.wav | …messages have been marked for deletion because they are too old. |
VMROneNewMsgAndMiddle.wav | …one new message, and… |
VMROneNewMsgInMbox.wav | …one new message in your mailbox. |
VMROneOldMsg.wav | One message has been marked for deletion because it is too old. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VMROneSavedMessageInMbox.wav | … one saved message in your mailbox. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuKeyNotValid.wav | This key is not valid. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuNoNext.wav | You are already at the last message. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuNoOptions.wav | There are no additional options available for this message. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuNoPrevious.wav | You are already at the first message. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuPleaseWait.wav | Please wait. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuPreviousDeleted.wav | Previous deleted message. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuPreviousNew.wav | Previous new message. |
VMRPlayMsgsMenuPreviousSaved.wav | Previous saved message. |
VMRPrintFaxPrompt.wav | Please enter the number of the fax machine to print the fax to, followed by the hash sign, or press the star key to return to your mailbox. |
VMRPswdPrompt.wav | Please enter your passcode, followed by the hash key. |
VMRRecFailMsg.wav | This operation could not be completed. Please try again. |
VMRRecFwdIntroSuccessMsg.wav | Thank you, your message has been recorded. |
VMRRecGreetingPrompt.wav | Please start recording after the tone. Press the hash key to end recording. |
VMRRecSuccessMsg.wav | Thank you. Your greeting has been recorded. |
VMRRecTimeout.wav | Your recording failed because it timed out. Please try again. |
VMRReplyMailboxFull.wav | Sorry, you cannot reply to this message for the moment because it was left by someone whose mailbox is already full. |
VMRReplyNoMailbox.wav | Sorry, you cannot reply to this message because it was left by someone who does not have a mailbox. |
VMRReplyOutside.wav | Sorry, you cannot reply to this message because it was left by someone from outside of your group. |
VMRReplySent.wav | Reply sent. |
VMRSaturday.wav | …Saturday… |
VMRSavedMessagesInMbox.wav | … saved messages in your mailbox. |
VMRSendUserCancelled.wav | Message not sent. |
VMRSendUserPromptBegin.wav | Please enter a… |
VMRSendingMsgToDistList.wav | Sending message to the distribution list. |
VMRSendingMsgToGroup.wav | Sending message to your entire group. Please wait. |
VMRSentGroup.wav | The message was sent to all mailboxes in your group. |
VMRSentUser.wav | Message sent. |
VMRSorry.wav | Sorry… |
VMRSorryMboxFullBegin.wav | Sorry, the mailbox of… |
File Name | Audio Text |
VMRSorryMboxFullEnd.wav | …is already full. |
VMRSorryNoMboxEnd.wav | …does not have a mailbox. |
VMRSorryOutsideGroupEnd.wav | …is not inside your group. |
VMRSunday.wav | …Sunday… |
VMRSysDefaultMsg.wav | You are using the default system greeting. |
VMRSystemDisconMsg.wav | This operation cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try again later. |
VMRThen.wav | Then… |
VMRThursday.wav | …Thursday… |
VMRToday.wav | …today… |
VMRTomorrow.wav | …tomorrow… |
VMRTuesday.wav | …Tuesday… |
VMRWednesday.wav | …Wednesday… |
VMRWelcomeMsg.wav | Welcome to your voice messaging system. |
VMRYesterday.wav | …yesterday… |
VMRYouHave.wav | You have … |
VMRYouHaveOneNewMsgAnd.wav | You have one new message and… |
VMRYouHaveOneNewMsgInMbox.wav | You have one new message in your mailbox. |
VMRYouHaveOneNewUrgentMsgAnd.wav | You have one new urgent message, and… |
VMRYouHaveOneNewUrgentMsgBegin.wav | You have one new urgent message, … |
VMRYouHaveOneNewUrgentMsgInMbox.wav | You have one new urgent message in your mailbox. |
VMRYouHaveOneSavedMsgInMbox.wav | You have one saved message in your mailbox. |
VMReceived.wav | Received… |
VMRecordNewMsg.wav | Please record a new message after the tone. Press the hash key to end recording. |
VMReviewGoToVoicePortal.wav | To cancel recording and access the voice portal, press the star key. |
VMReviewListenMsg.wav | To listen to your message, press two. |
VMReviewReRecordMsg.wav | To delete your current message and record a new one, press one. |
VMReviewSendMsg.wav | To send your message, press three or hang up. |
VMReviewSendMsgFailed.wav | There was an error sending your message. |
VMReviewTransferOnZero.wav | To get transferred to an attendant, press zero. |
VMSendBeforeTransfer.wav | To send your message before getting transferred, press one. |
VMTransferMsgDiscarded.wav | Message not sent. |
VMTransferSendMsgFailed.wav | There was an error sending your message. |
VMTransferSendMsgSuccess.wav | Your message has been sent. |
VMUnmarkConfid.wav | To remove the confidential indication, press seven. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VMUnmarkUrgent.wav | To remove the urgent indication, press six. |
VMUrgentAndConfidMsg.wav | This message is urgent and confidential. |
VMUrgentMsg.wav | This message is urgent. |
VMVoiceNotDetected.wav | The Voice Messaging service has not detected a message. |
VMdefaultBusyGreetingEnd.wav | … is busy and cannot take your call. Please leave a message after the tone. Press the hash key to end recording. |
VMdefaultFailureAnnouncement.wav | This operation cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try again later. |
VMdefaultGreetingNoPNameBegin.wav | The person you are trying to reach… |
VMdefaultMessageSavedInMB.wav | Your message has been sent. |
VMdefaultNoAnswerGreetingEnd.wav | … is not available to take your call. Please leave a message after the tone. Press the hash key to end recording. |
VMdefaultThankYou.wav | Thank you. |
VPAAInvalidNumberPrompt.wav | Sorry, the Auto Attendant number you entered is not valid. |
VPAAMenuPrompt.wav | To change the business hours greeting, press one. To change the after hours greeting, press two. |
VPAANumberEnterPrompt.wav | Please enter the Auto Attendant number followed by the hash key. |
VPAAStandardMenuPrompt.wav | To change the business hours greeting, press 1. To change the after hours greeting, press 2. To change the holiday greeting, press 3. |
VPAfterHoursMenuPrompt.wav | To record a new after hours greeting, press one. To listen to the current after hours greeting, press two. To revert back to the default after hours greeting, press three. |
VPAnncFileSizeExceeded.wav | Your recording has exceeded the maximum file size, please try again. |
VPBoxAnonymous.wav | The mailbox of the person you called could not be found. |
VPBrandConfigMenuPrompt.wav | To change the voice portal greeting, press one. To change the voice messaging greeting, press two. |
VPBrandConfigPrompt.wav | To go to the branding configuration menu, press two. |
VPBrandVMMenuPrompt.wav | To record a new voice messaging greeting, press one. To listen to the current voice messaging greeting, press two. To revert to the default voice messaging greeting, press three. |
VPBrandVPMenuPrompt.wav | To record a new voice portal greeting, press one. To listen to the current voice portal greeting, press two. To revert to the default voice portal greeting, press three. |
VPBusinessHoursMenuPrompt.wav | To record a new business hours greeting, press one. To listen to the current business hours greeting, press two. To revert back to the default business hours greeting, press three. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPCFAActivePrompt.wav | Your Call Forwarding service is activated. Your calls are presently forwarded to… |
VPCFADeactivatedPrompt.wav | Your Call Forwarding Always service has been deactivated successfully. Thank you. |
VPCFAInvalidDestinationPrompt.wav | The number you have entered is not valid. |
VPCFANotActivePrompt.wav | Your calls are not currently forwarded. The call forwarding destination is set to… |
VPCFAProgrammingSuffix.wav | (Empty in English, “Desu” in Japanese.) |
VPCPEAvailInOffPhrase.wav | Available in office. |
VPCPEAvailOutOfOffPhrase.wav | Available out of office. |
VPCPEBusyPhrase.wav | Busy. |
VPCPECurrentProfilePhrase.wav | Your current profile is: |
VPCPENoProfilePhrase.wav | You presently do not have any profile active. |
VPCPEUnavailablePhrase.wav | Unavailable. |
VPConferenceEnterBridgeNumber.wav | Please enter a bridge number and press #. |
VPConferenceEnterId.wav | Please enter a conference ID and press #. |
VPConferenceGreetingActivated.wav | Your custom conference greeting is activated. |
VPConferenceGreetingDeactivated.wav | Your custom conference greeting is deactivated. |
VPConferenceGreetingNotRecorded.wav | There is no custom greeting present for this conference. |
VPConferenceInvalidBridgeNumber.wav | That is not a valid bridge number. |
VPConferenceInvalidId.wav | That is not a valid conference ID. |
VPDisableMessageDepositCFSuccessEnd.wav | …after the greeting is complete. Thank you. |
VPDisableMessageDepositCFSuccessStart.wav | Your Voice Mail service is set to not accept messages and to forward the call to… |
VPDisableMessageDepositGreetingOnlySuccess .wav | Your Voice Mail service is set to not accept messages, and to disconnect the call after the greeting. Thank you. |
VPExternalRoutingConfirmation.wav | Your call is being transferred. Please hold. |
VPFlexibleSeatingAssociationSuccess.wav | You have successfully associated with this host. |
VPFlexibleSeatingDisassociationRemoteSuccess .wav | You have successfully disassociated a remote host. |
VPFlexibleSeatingDisassociationSuccess.wav | You have successfully disassociated from this host. |
VPFlexibleSeatingFailure.wav | This operation cannot be completed at this time. |
VPFlexibleSeatingFailureActiveGuest.wav | Association failed. This host has an active guest association. |
VPFlexibleSeatingFailureAssociation.wav | Association failed. |
VPFlexibleSeatingFailureDisassociation.wav | Disassociation failed. |
VPFlexibleSeatingFailureInvalidHost.wav | Association failed. This device cannot be used as a host. |
VPFlexibleSeatingStatusActive.wav | This host has an active guest association. The guest is… |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPFlexibleSeatingStatusFree.wav | This host has no guest association and is available for use. |
VPGreetingOnlyCallForwardDestinationNotSet .wav | Your call forwarding destination is not set. |
VPGroupAccFileSizeExceeded.wav | Your group account has exceeded its maximum file size quota. |
VPHolidayMenuPrompt.wav | To record a new holiday greeting, press 1. To listen to the current holiday greeting, press 2. To revert back to the default holiday greeting, press 3. |
VPHotelingAssociationFailure.wav | Association failed. |
VPHotelingAssociationSuccess.wav | You have successfully associated with this host. |
VPHotelingDisassociationRemoteSuccess.wav | You have successfully disassociated a remote host. |
VPHotelingDisassociationSuccess.wav | You have successfully disassociated with this host. |
VPHotelingFailureActiveGuest.wav | Association failed. This host has an active guest association. |
VPHotelingFailureInvalidHost.wav | Association failed. This device cannot be used as a host. |
VPHotelingFailureNoAssociation.wav | Disassociation failed. You are not associated with this host. |
VPHotelingStatusActive.wav | This host has an active guest association. The guest is… |
VPHotelingStatusFree.wav | This host has no guest association and is available for use. |
VPListenMessageDepositStatus.wav | To listen to your Message Deposit Status… |
VPOptionAcceptRec.wav | To accept recording, … |
VPOptionAccessFlexibleSeating.wav | To change your Flexible Seating options, … |
VPOptionActivateCPEAvailInOffice.wav | To activate your available in office profile, … |
VPOptionActivateCPEAvailOutOffice.wav | To activate your available out of office profile, … |
VPOptionActivateCPEBusy.wav | To activate your busy profile, … |
VPOptionActivateCPEUnavailable.wav | To activate your unavailable profile, … |
VPOptionActivateCallFwd.wav | To activate your call forwarding, … |
VPOptionActivateConferenceGreeting.wav | To activate your conference greeting, … |
VPOptionActivateExtAwayGreeting.wav | To activate your extended away greeting, … |
VPOptionAnnouncementMenu.wav | To record a new announcement, … |
VPOptionAnnouncementThanksConfirm.wav | Thanks, you have recorded, … |
VPOptionAssociate.wav | To associate with this host, … |
VPOptionAudioRecording.wav | To record an audio announcement, … |
VPOptionAudioVideoRecording.wav | To record an audio and video announcement, … |
VPOptionCFWDestinationPrompt.wav | Please enter the destination number for Call Forwarding Always; then… |
VPOptionCallBackCaller.wav | To call back the caller, … |
VPOptionCallForwardDestinationChanged.wav | The Call Forward Destination has been set to… |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPOptionCancelAction.wav | To cancel, … |
VPOptionChangeAAGreeting.wav | To change the Auto Attendant’s greetings, … |
VPOptionChangeBusyGreeting.wav | To change your mailbox busy greeting, … |
VPOptionChangeCPEProfile.wav | To change your CommPilot Express profile, … |
VPOptionChangeCallForwardDestination.wav | To change the call forwarding destination… |
VPOptionChangeCallFwdNumber.wav | To change your forwarding destination, … |
VPOptionChangeCallFwdOptions.wav | To change your call forwarding options, … |
VPOptionChangeConferenceGreeting.wav | To change your conference greetings, … |
VPOptionChangeDepositSetting.wav | To modify the message deposit settings for your mailbox… |
VPOptionChangeExtAwayGreeting.wav | To change your mailbox extended away greeting, … |
VPOptionChangeHoteling.wav | To change your hoteling options, … |
VPOptionChangeNoAnswerGreeting.wav | To change your mailbox no-answer greeting, … |
VPOptionChangePasscode.wav | To change your passcode, … |
VPOptionChangePersName.wav | To record your name, … |
VPOptionCheckAssociation.wav | To check the status of this host association, … |
VPOptionCheckFlexibleSeatingAssociation.wav | To check the status of this host association, … |
VPOptionComposeListen.wav | To listen to the current message, … |
VPOptionComposeRecord.wav | To change the current message, … |
VPOptionComposeSendMsg.wav | To compose and send a new message, … |
VPOptionConfirmAction.wav | To confirm, … |
VPOptionDeactivateCPE.wav | To have no profile active at this time, … |
VPOptionDeactivateCallFwd.wav | To deactivate your call forwarding, … |
VPOptionDeactivateConferenceGreeting.wav | To deactivate your conference greeting, … |
VPOptionDeactivateExtAwayGreeting.wav | To deactivate your extended away greeting, … |
VPOptionDeleteAllMessages.wav | To delete all messages, … |
VPOptionDeleteAllMsgsConfirm.wav | All messages will be deleted. |
VPOptionDeleteBusyGreeting.wav | To revert to the default system busy greeting, … |
VPOptionDeleteMsg.wav | To erase this message, … |
VPOptionDeleteNoAnswerGreeting.wav | To revert to the default system greeting, … |
VPOptionDeletePersName.wav | To delete your name recording, … |
VPOptionDisableMessageDeposit.wav | To disable message deposit for your mailbox… |
VPOptionDisableMessageDepositCallForward.wav | To forward the call to another destination after the greeting is complete … |
VPOptionDisableMessageDepositGreetingOnly .wav | To disconnect the call after the greeting is complete… |
VPOptionDisassociate.wav | To disassociate with this host, … |
VPOptionDisassociateRemote.wav | To disassociate a remote host, … |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPOptionEndMakeCallEnd.wav | …to return to the voice portal. |
VPOptionEndMakeCallStart.wav | At any time during the call, … |
VPOptionEndRecordingAction.wav | To end recording, … |
VPOptionEnterDest.wav | Please enter a mailbox ID; then… |
VPOptionEnterDestExtension.wav | …digit extension. |
VPOptionEnterFwdDest.wav | Please enter a mailbox ID; then… |
VPOptionEnterFwdDestExtension.wav | …digit extension. |
VPOptionEnterLoginMailboxID.wav | If you are not calling from your own phone please… |
VPOptionEnterLoginPasscode.wav | Please enter your passcode, then… |
VPOptionEnterMBID.wav | Please enter your mailbox ID now; then… |
VPOptionEnterMakeCallDest.wav | Please enter the destination digits. |
VPOptionEnterPasscodePrompt.wav | Please enter your new passcode; then… |
VPOptionExitVP.wav | To exit the voice portal, … |
VPOptionFlexibleSeatingAssociate.wav | To associate with this host, … |
VPOptionFlexibleSeatingDisassociateRemote.wav | To disassociate from a remote host, … |
VPOptionFlexibleSeatingDissassociate.wav | To disassociate from this host, … |
VPOptionFwdMsg.wav | To forward the current message, … |
VPOptionFwdToDestinations.wav | To forward the message to one or more destinations, … |
VPOptionFwdToDistributionList.wav | To forward the message to a distribution list, … |
VPOptionFwdToEntireGroup.wav | To forward the message to your entire group, … |
VPOptionFwdToMembers.wav | To forward the message to one or more group members, … |
VPOptionGoToNextMsg.wav | To go to the next message, … |
VPOptionGoToPreviousMenu.wav | To go back to the previous menu, … |
VPOptionGoToPreviousMsg.wav | To go back to the previous message, … |
VPOptionGoToVM.wav | To access your voice mailbox, … |
VPOptionGreetingsMenu.wav | To go to the Greetings Menu, … |
VPOptionInterrupt.wav | To interrupt, … |
VPOptionIntroListen.wav | To listen to the current introduction, … |
VPOptionIntroRecord.wav | To change the current introduction, … |
VPOptionKeyEight.wav | …press eight. |
VPOptionKeyEightMiddle.wav | …press eight… |
VPOptionKeyFive.wav | …press five. |
VPOptionKeyFiveMiddle.wav | …press five… |
VPOptionKeyFour.wav | …press four. |
VPOptionKeyFourMiddle.wav | …press four… |
VPOptionKeyNine.wav | …press nine. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPOptionKeyNineMiddle.wav | …press nine… |
VPOptionKeyOne.wav | …press one. |
VPOptionKeyOneMiddle.wav | …press one… |
VPOptionKeyHash.wav | …press the hash key. |
VPOptionKeyHashAloneMiddle.wav | …Hash… |
VPOptionKeyHashMiddle.wav | …press the hash key… |
VPOptionKeySeven.wav | …press seven. |
VPOptionKeySevenMiddle.wav | …press seven… |
VPOptionKeySix.wav | …press six. |
VPOptionKeySixMiddle.wav | …press six… |
VPOptionKeyStar.wav | …press the star key. |
VPOptionKeyStarAloneMiddle.wav | …Star… |
VPOptionKeyStarMiddle.wav | …press the star key… |
VPOptionKeyThree.wav | …press three. |
VPOptionKeyThreeMiddle.wav | …press three… |
VPOptionKeyTwo.wav | …press two. |
VPOptionKeyTwoMiddle.wav | …press two… |
VPOptionKeyZero.wav | …press zero. |
VPOptionKeyZeroMiddle.wav | …press zero… |
VPOptionListenBusyGreeting.wav | To play the current busy greeting, … |
VPOptionListenCallFwdStatus.wav | To listen to your forwarding status, … |
VPOptionListenConferenceGreeting.wav | To listen to your current conference greeting, … |
VPOptionListenExtAwayGreeting.wav | To play the current greeting, … |
VPOptionListenMessages.wav | To listen to your messages, … |
VPOptionListenNoAnswerGreeting.wav | To play the current greeting, … |
VPOptionListenPersName.wav | To play the current name recording, … |
VPOptionMakeCall.wav | To make a call, … |
VPOptionNoCallFwdDest.wav | The call forwarding destination is not set. To set a destination, enter the destination number; then… |
VPOptionPlayExtraMsgOptions.wav | For additional options, … |
VPOptionPlayMsgEnvelope.wav | To play the message envelope, … |
VPOptionRecordBusyGreeting.wav | To record a new busy greeting, … |
VPOptionRecordComposePrompt.wav | Please start recording your message after the tone. |
VPOptionRecordConferenceGreeting.wav | To record a new conference greeting, … |
VPOptionRecordExtAwayGreeting.wav | To record a new extended away greeting, … |
VPOptionRecordForwardPrompt.wav | Please start recording your introduction after the tone. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPOptionRecordGreetingPrompt.wav | Please start recording after the tone. |
VPOptionRecordNoAnswerGreeting.wav | To record a new no-answer greeting, … |
VPOptionRecordPersName.wav | To record your name, … |
VPOptionRecordReplyPrompt.wav | Please start recording your reply after the tone. |
VPOptionReenterPasscodePrompt.wav | Please enter your new passcode again; then… |
VPOptionRejectRec.wav | To reject recording and re-record, … |
VPOptionRemoveConfidential.wav | To remove the confidential indication, … |
VPOptionRemoveUrgent.wav | To remove the urgent indication, … |
VPOptionRepeatMenu.wav | To repeat this menu, … |
VPOptionRepeatMsg.wav | To repeat this message, … |
VPOptionReplyListen.wav | To listen to the current reply, … |
VPOptionReplyMsg.wav | To reply to the current message, … |
VPOptionReplyRecord.wav | To change the current reply, … |
VPOptionResumeMsgPlayback.wav | Message paused. To resume playback, … |
VPOptionReturnToMessageMenu.wav | To go back to your messages, … |
VPOptionReturnToVoicePortalMenu.wav | To go to the CommPilot voice portal, … |
VPOptionReviewDistributionList.wav | The distribution list contains the following numbers. |
VPOptionReviewSelectedDistributionList.wav | To review the selected distribution list, … |
VPOptionRouteToExternalDevice.wav | To route the call to an external device… |
VPOptionSaveMsg.wav | To save this message, … |
VPOptionSelectDistributionList.wav | To select another distribution list, … |
VPOptionSelectDistributionListNumber.wav | Please press the key corresponding to the distribution list you wish to use, from 0 to 9. |
VPOptionSelectDistributionListNumberTwoDigits .wav | Please enter the number corresponding to the distribution list you wish to use, from 0 to 14. |
VPOptionSendMsgConfirm1.wav | Please … |
VPOptionSendMsgConfirm2.wav | …to send the message to… |
VPOptionSendMsgDistListConfirm1.wav | Please … |
VPOptionSendMsgDistListConfirm2.wav | …to confirm sending the message to distribution list… |
VPOptionSendReplyMsg.wav | To send the reply, … |
VPOptionSendToDestinations.wav | To send the message to one or more destinations, … |
VPOptionSendToDistributionList.wav | To send the message to a distribution list, … |
VPOptionSendToEntireGroup.wav | To send the message to your entire group, … |
VPOptionSendToGroupConfirm.wav | This message will be sent to everyone in your group. |
VPOptionSendToMembers.wav | To send the message to one or more group members, … |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPOptionSendToSelectedDistributionList.wav | To send the message to the selected distribution list, … |
VPOptionSetCallForwardDestination.wav | To set the destination, enter the destination number, then… |
VPOptionSetConfidential.wav | To mark your message as confidential, … |
VPOptionSetMessageDeposit.wav | To enable message deposit for your mailbox… |
VPOptionSetUrgent.wav | To mark your message as urgent, … |
VPPAIsCurrentlyDisabled.wav | The Personal Assistant is currently disabled. |
VPPAIsCurrentlyEnabled.wav | The Personal Assistant is currently enabled. |
VPPAMenu.wav | To go to the Personal Assistant menu … |
VPPAToBusinessTrip.wav | To Business Trip … |
VPPAToChangeYourPresenceSetting.wav | To change your Personal Assistant presence setting … |
VPPAToDisable.wav | To disable Personal Assistant … |
VPPAToEnableAndSetYourPresenceSetting.wav | To enable Personal Assistant and set your presence setting … |
VPPAToGoneForTheDay.wav | To Gone for the Day … |
VPPAToLunch.wav | To Lunch … |
VPPAToMeeting.wav | To Meeting … |
VPPAToOutOfOffice.wav | To Out of the Office … |
VPPAToTemporarilyOut.wav | To Temporarily Out … |
VPPAToTraining.wav | To Training … |
VPPAToUnavailable.wav | To Unavailable … |
VPPAToVacation.wav | To Vacation … |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToBusinessTrip.wav | Your presence is set to Business Trip. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToGoneForTheDay.wav | Your presence is set to Gone for the Day. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToLunch.wav | Your presence is set to Lunch. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToMeeting.wav | Your presence is set to Meeting. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToOutOfOffice.wav | Your presence is set to Out of the Office. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToTemporarilyOut.wav | Your presence is set to Temporarily Out. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToTraining.wav | Your presence is set to Training. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToUnavailable.wav | Your presence is set to Unavailable. |
VPPAYourPresenceIsSetToVacation.wav | Your presence is set to Vacation. |
VPPasscodeChangePrompt.wav | Passcode has been changed successfully. |
VPPasscodeExpired.wav | Your passcode is expired. |
VPPasscodeNotChangePrompt.wav | The passcode has not been changed. |
VPPasscodesDoNotMatch.wav | The passcodes do not match. |
VPReceivedGroupPhoneNumber.wav | The system received a group phone number. |
VPSetMessageDepositSuccess.wav | Your Voice Mail service is set to accept messages. |
File Name | Audio Text |
VPUserAccFileSizeExceeded.wav | Your user account has exceeded its maximum file size quota. |
VPWizPersNameMenu.wav | If you are satisfied with your name recording, press the star key. To re-record your name, press one. To listen to your name recording, press two. To repeat this menu, press the hash key. |
VPWizPersNameRecord.wav | Please start recording your personalized name after the tone; press the hash key to end recording. |
VPWizardChangePasscode.wav | Before you can use your voice portal, you must change your passcode. |
VPWizardChangePasscodeAndPersName.wav | Before you can use your voice portal, you must change your passcode and record your personalized name. |
VPWizardChangePersName.wav | Before you can use your voice portal, you must record your personalized name. |
VPWizardSuccess.wav | You are now ready to use your voice portal. |
VPortalAutoAttendantPrompt.wav | To change an Auto Attendant’s greetings, press one. |
VPortalExtAwayActive.wav | Your extended away greeting is currently active. |
VPortalLogoutPrompt.wav | To exit the voice portal, press nine. |
VPortalPasscodePrompt.wav | To change your passcode, press eight. |
VPortalPreviousMenu.wav | To go back to the previous menu, press the star key. |
VPortalRepeatMenu.wav | To repeat this menu, press the hash key. |
VPortalWelcome.wav | Welcome to your CommPilot voice portal. |
VoiceMail.wav | … voice mail. |
datetime/am.wav | …am. |
datetime/hour00.wav | Twelve |
datetime/hour01.wav | One |
datetime/hour02.wav | Two |
datetime/hour03.wav | Three |
datetime/hour04.wav | Four |
datetime/hour05.wav | Five |
datetime/hour06.wav | Six |
datetime/hour07.wav | Seven |
datetime/hour08.wav | Eight |
datetime/hour09.wav | Nine |
datetime/hour10.wav | Ten |
datetime/hour11.wav | Eleven |
datetime/hour12.wav | Twelve |
datetime/hour13.wav | One |
datetime/hour14.wav | Two |
File Name | Audio Text |
datetime/hour15.wav | Three |
datetime/hour16.wav | Four |
datetime/hour17.wav | Five |
datetime/hour18.wav | Six |
datetime/hour19.wav | Seven |
datetime/hour20.wav | Eight |
datetime/hour21.wav | Nine |
datetime/hour22.wav | Ten |
datetime/hour23.wav | Eleven |
datetime/minute00.wav | (empty) |
datetime/minute01.wav | …O’one |
datetime/minute02.wav | …O’two |
datetime/minute03.wav | …O’three |
datetime/minute04.wav | …O’four |
datetime/minute05.wav | …O’five |
datetime/minute06.wav | …O’six |
datetime/minute07.wav | …O’seven |
datetime/minute08.wav | …O’eight |
datetime/minute09.wav | …O’nine |
datetime/minute10.wav | …Ten |
datetime/minute11.wav | …11 |
datetime/minute12.wav | …12 |
datetime/minute13.wav | …13 |
datetime/minute14.wav | …14 |
datetime/minute15.wav | …15 |
datetime/minute16.wav | …16 |
datetime/minute17.wav | …17 |
datetime/minute18.wav | …18 |
datetime/minute19.wav | …19 |
datetime/minute20.wav | …20 |
datetime/minute21.wav | …21 |
datetime/minute22.wav | …22 |
datetime/minute23.wav | …23 |
datetime/minute24.wav | …24 |
datetime/minute25.wav | …25 |
datetime/minute26.wav | …26 |
datetime/minute27.wav | …27 |
File Name | Audio Text |
datetime/minute28.wav | …28 |
datetime/minute29.wav | …29 |
datetime/minute30.wav | …30 |
datetime/minute31.wav | …31 |
datetime/minute32.wav | …32 |
datetime/minute33.wav | …33 |
datetime/minute34.wav | …34 |
datetime/minute35.wav | …35 |
datetime/minute36.wav | …36 |
datetime/minute37.wav | …37 |
datetime/minute38.wav | …38 |
datetime/minute39.wav | …39 |
datetime/minute40.wav | …40 |
datetime/minute41.wav | …41 |
datetime/minute42.wav | …42 |
datetime/minute43.wav | …43 |
datetime/minute44.wav | …44 |
datetime/minute45.wav | …45 |
datetime/minute46.wav | …46 |
datetime/minute47.wav | …47 |
datetime/minute48.wav | …48 |
datetime/minute49.wav | …49 |
datetime/minute50.wav | …50 |
datetime/minute51.wav | …51 |
datetime/minute52.wav | …52 |
datetime/minute53.wav | …53 |
datetime/minute54.wav | …54 |
datetime/minute55.wav | …55 |
datetime/minute56.wav | …56 |
datetime/minute57.wav | …57 |
datetime/minute58.wav | …58 |
datetime/minute59.wav | …59 |
datetime/month01.wav | January |
datetime/month02.wav | February |
datetime/month03.wav | March |
datetime/month04.wav | April |
datetime/month05.wav | May |
File Name | Audio Text |
datetime/month06.wav | June |
datetime/month07.wav | July |
datetime/month08.wav | August |
datetime/month09.wav | September |
datetime/month10.wav | October |
datetime/month11.wav | November |
datetime/month12.wav | December |
datetime/monthday01.wav | First |
datetime/monthday02.wav | Second |
datetime/monthday03.wav | Third |
datetime/monthday04.wav | Fourth |
datetime/monthday05.wav | Fifth |
datetime/monthday06.wav | Sixth |
datetime/monthday07.wav | Seventh |
datetime/monthday08.wav | Eighth |
datetime/monthday09.wav | Ninth |
datetime/monthday10.wav | Tenth |
datetime/monthday11.wav | 11th |
datetime/monthday12.wav | 12th |
datetime/monthday13.wav | 13th |
datetime/monthday14.wav | 14th |
datetime/monthday15.wav | 15th |
datetime/monthday16.wav | 16th |
datetime/monthday17.wav | 17th |
datetime/monthday18.wav | 18th |
datetime/monthday19.wav | 19th |
datetime/monthday20.wav | 20th |
datetime/monthday21.wav | 21st |
datetime/monthday22.wav | 22nd |
datetime/monthday23.wav | 23rd |
datetime/monthday24.wav | 24th |
datetime/monthday25.wav | 25th |
datetime/monthday26.wav | 26th |
datetime/monthday27.wav | 27th |
datetime/monthday28.wav | 28th |
datetime/monthday29.wav | 29th |
datetime/monthday30.wav | 30th |
File Name | Audio Text |
datetime/monthday31.wav | 31st |
datetime/pm.wav | …pm. |
datetime/year1999.wav | 1999 |
datetime/year2000.wav | 2000 |
datetime/year2001.wav | 2001 |
datetime/year2002.wav | 2002 |
datetime/year2003.wav | 2003 |
datetime/year2004.wav | 2004 |
datetime/year2005.wav | 2005 |
datetime/year2006.wav | 2006 |
datetime/year2007.wav | 2007 |
datetime/year2008.wav | 2008 |
datetime/year2010.wav | 2010 |
datetime/year2011.wav | 2011 |
datetime/year2012.wav | 2012 |
datetime/year2013.wav | 2013 |
datetime/year2014.wav | 2014 |
datetime/year2015.wav | 2015 |
datetime/year2016.wav | 2016 |
datetime/year2017.wav | 2017 |
datetime/year2018.wav | 2018 |
datetime/year2019.wav | 2019 |
datetime/year2020.wav | 2020 |
datetime/year2021.wav | 2021 |
datetime/year2022.wav | 2022 |
datetime/year2023.wav | 2023 |
datetime/year2024.wav | 2024 |
datetime/year2025.wav | 2025 |
datetime/year2026.wav | 2026 |
datetime/year2027.wav | 2027 |
datetime/year2028.wav | 2028 |
datetime/year2029.wav | 2029 |
datetime/year2030.wav | 2030 |
duration/hour00.wav | …zero hours… |
duration/hour01.wav | …one hour… |
duration/hour02.wav | …two hours… |
File Name | Audio Text |
duration/hour03.wav | …three hours… |
duration/hour04.wav | …four hours… |
duration/hour05.wav | …five hours… |
duration/hour06.wav | …six hours… |
duration/hour07.wav | …seven hours… |
duration/hour08.wav | …eight hours… |
duration/hour09.wav | …nine hours… |
duration/hour10.wav | …ten hours… |
duration/hour11.wav | …11 hours… |
duration/hour12.wav | …12 hours… |
duration/hour13.wav | …13 hours… |
duration/hour14.wav | …14 hours… |
duration/hour15.wav | …15 hours… |
duration/hour16.wav | …16 hours… |
duration/hour17.wav | …17 hours… |
duration/hour18.wav | …18 hours… |
duration/hour19.wav | …19 hours… |
duration/hour20.wav | …20 hours… |
duration/hour21.wav | …21 hours… |
duration/hour22.wav | …22 hours… |
duration/hour23.wav | …23 hours… |
duration/hour24.wav | …24 hours… |
duration/minute00.wav | …zero minutes… |
duration/minute01.wav | …one minute… |
duration/minute02.wav | …two minutes… |
duration/minute03.wav | …three minutes… |
duration/minute04.wav | …four minutes… |
duration/minute05.wav | …five minutes… |
duration/minute06.wav | …six minutes… |
duration/minute07.wav | …seven minutes… |
duration/minute08.wav | …eight minutes… |
duration/minute09.wav | …nine minutes… |
duration/minute10.wav | …ten minutes… |
duration/minute100.wav | …100 minutes… |
duration/minute11.wav | …11 minutes… |
duration/minute12.wav | …12 minutes… |
duration/minute13.wav | …13 minutes… |
File Name | Audio Text |
duration/minute14.wav | …14 minutes… |
duration/minute15.wav | …15 minutes… |
duration/minute16.wav | …16 minutes… |
duration/minute17.wav | …17 minutes… |
duration/minute18.wav | …18 minutes… |
duration/minute19.wav | …19 minutes… |
duration/minute20.wav | …20 minutes… |
duration/minute21.wav | …21 minutes… |
duration/minute22.wav | …22 minutes… |
duration/minute23.wav | …23 minutes… |
duration/minute24.wav | …24 minutes… |
duration/minute25.wav | …25 minutes… |
duration/minute26.wav | …26 minutes… |
duration/minute27.wav | …27 minutes… |
duration/minute28.wav | …28 minutes… |
duration/minute29.wav | …29 minutes… |
duration/minute30.wav | …30 minutes… |
duration/minute31.wav | …31 minutes… |
duration/minute32.wav | …32 minutes… |
duration/minute33.wav | …33 minutes… |
duration/minute34.wav | …34 minutes… |
duration/minute35.wav | …35 minutes… |
duration/minute36.wav | …36 minutes… |
duration/minute37.wav | …37 minutes… |
duration/minute38.wav | …38 minutes… |
duration/minute39.wav | …39 minutes… |
duration/minute40.wav | …40 minutes… |
duration/minute41.wav | …41 minutes… |
duration/minute42.wav | …42 minutes… |
duration/minute43.wav | …43 minutes… |
duration/minute44.wav | …44 minutes… |
duration/minute45.wav | …45 minutes… |
duration/minute46.wav | …46 minutes… |
duration/minute47.wav | …47 minutes… |
duration/minute48.wav | …48 minutes… |
duration/minute49.wav | …49 minutes… |
duration/minute50.wav | …50 minutes… |
File Name | Audio Text |
duration/minute51.wav | …51 minutes… |
duration/minute52.wav | …52 minutes… |
duration/minute53.wav | …53 minutes… |
duration/minute54.wav | …54 minutes… |
duration/minute55.wav | …55 minutes… |
duration/minute56.wav | …56 minutes… |
duration/minute57.wav | …57 minutes… |
duration/minute58.wav | …58 minutes… |
duration/minute59.wav | …59 minutes… |
duration/minute60.wav | …60 minutes… |
duration/minute61.wav | …61 minutes… |
duration/minute62.wav | …62 minutes… |
duration/minute63.wav | …63 minutes… |
duration/minute64.wav | …64 minutes… |
duration/minute65.wav | …65 minutes… |
duration/minute66.wav | …66 minutes… |
duration/minute67.wav | …67 minutes… |
duration/minute68.wav | …68 minutes… |
duration/minute69.wav | …69 minutes… |
duration/minute70.wav | …70 minutes… |
duration/minute71.wav | …71 minutes… |
duration/minute72.wav | …72 minutes… |
duration/minute73.wav | …73 minutes… |
duration/minute74.wav | …74 minutes… |
duration/minute75.wav | …75 minutes… |
duration/minute76.wav | …76 minutes… |
duration/minute77.wav | …77 minutes… |
duration/minute78.wav | …78 minutes… |
duration/minute79.wav | …79 minutes… |
duration/minute80.wav | …80 minutes… |
duration/minute81.wav | …81 minutes… |
duration/minute82.wav | …82 minutes… |
duration/minute83.wav | …83 minutes… |
duration/minute84.wav | …84 minutes… |
duration/minute85.wav | …85 minutes… |
duration/minute86.wav | …86 minutes… |
duration/minute87.wav | …87 minutes… |
File Name | Audio Text |
duration/minute88.wav | …88 minutes… |
duration/minute89.wav | …89 minutes… |
duration/minute90.wav | …90 minutes… |
duration/minute91.wav | …91 minutes… |
duration/minute92.wav | …92 minutes… |
duration/minute93.wav | …93 minutes… |
duration/minute94.wav | …94 minutes… |
duration/minute95.wav | …95 minutes… |
duration/minute96.wav | …96 minutes… |
duration/minute97.wav | …97 minutes… |
duration/minute98.wav | …98 minutes… |
duration/minute99.wav | …99 minutes… |
duration/separator.wav | …and… |
numbers/00-zero.wav | …Zero… |
numbers/01-one.wav | …One… |
numbers/02-two.wav | …Two… |
numbers/03-three.wav | …Three… |
numbers/04-four.wav | …Four… |
numbers/05-five.wav | …Five… |
numbers/06-six.wav | …Six… |
numbers/07-seven.wav | …Seven… |
numbers/08-eight.wav | …Eight… |
numbers/09-nine.wav | …Nine… |
numbers/number10.wav | …Ten… |
numbers/number100.wav | …100… |
numbers/number11.wav | …11… |
numbers/number12.wav | …12… |
numbers/number13.wav | …13… |
numbers/number14.wav | …14… |
numbers/number15.wav | …15… |
numbers/number16.wav | …16… |
numbers/number17.wav | …17… |
numbers/number18.wav | …18… |
numbers/number19.wav | …19… |
numbers/number20.wav | …20… |
numbers/number21.wav | …21… |
numbers/number22.wav | …22… |
File Name | Audio Text |
numbers/number23.wav | …23… |
numbers/number24.wav | …24… |
numbers/number25.wav | …25… |
numbers/number26.wav | …26… |
numbers/number27.wav | …27… |
numbers/number28.wav | …28… |
numbers/number29.wav | …29… |
numbers/number30.wav | …30… |
numbers/number31.wav | …31… |
numbers/number32.wav | …32… |
numbers/number33.wav | …33… |
numbers/number34.wav | …34… |
numbers/number35.wav | …35… |
numbers/number36.wav | …36… |
numbers/number37.wav | …37… |
numbers/number38.wav | …38… |
numbers/number39.wav | …39… |
numbers/number40.wav | …40… |
numbers/number41.wav | …41… |
numbers/number42.wav | …42… |
numbers/number43.wav | …43… |
numbers/number44.wav | …44… |
numbers/number45.wav | …45… |
numbers/number46.wav | …46… |
numbers/number47.wav | …47… |
numbers/number48.wav | …48… |
numbers/number49.wav | …49… |
numbers/number50.wav | …50… |
numbers/number51.wav | …51… |
numbers/number52.wav | …52… |
numbers/number53.wav | …53… |
numbers/number54.wav | …54… |
numbers/number55.wav | …55… |
numbers/number56.wav | …56… |
numbers/number57.wav | …57… |
numbers/number58.wav | …58… |
numbers/number59.wav | …59… |
File Name | Audio Text |
numbers/number60.wav | …60… |
numbers/number61.wav | …61… |
numbers/number62.wav | …62… |
numbers/number63.wav | …63… |
numbers/number64.wav | …64… |
numbers/number65.wav | …65… |
numbers/number66.wav | …66… |
numbers/number67.wav | …67… |
numbers/number68.wav | …68… |
numbers/number69.wav | …69… |
numbers/number70.wav | …70… |
numbers/number71.wav | …71… |
numbers/number72.wav | …72… |
numbers/number73.wav | …73… |
numbers/number74.wav | …74… |
numbers/number75.wav | …75… |
numbers/number76.wav | …76… |
numbers/number77.wav | …77… |
numbers/number78.wav | …78… |
numbers/number79.wav | …79… |
numbers/number80.wav | …80… |
numbers/number81.wav | …81… |
numbers/number82.wav | …82… |
numbers/number83.wav | …83… |
numbers/number84.wav | …84… |
numbers/number85.wav | …85… |
numbers/number86.wav | …86… |
numbers/number87.wav | …87… |
numbers/number88.wav | …88… |
numbers/number89.wav | …89… |
numbers/number90.wav | …90… |
numbers/number91.wav | …91… |
numbers/number92.wav | …92… |
numbers/number93.wav | …93… |
numbers/number94.wav | …94… |
numbers/number95.wav | …95… |
numbers/number96.wav | …96… |
File Name | Audio Text |
numbers/number97.wav | …97… |
numbers/number98.wav | …98… |
numbers/number99.wav | …99… |
numbers/numberBillion.wav | …billion… |
numbers/numberHundred.wav | …hundred… |
numbers/numberMillion.wav | …million… |
numbers/numberThousand.wav | …thousand… |
IVR Conference Calls Prompts and IVR recordings
conf-alone.wav Your conference will start shortly, please stay on the line.
conf-bad-pin.wav Invalid Pin Number, try again.
conf-conference is full.wav This conference is full, please contact the conference moderator.
conf-conference is in qna mode.wav This conference is in QNA Mode
conf-conference will start shortly.wav Your conference will start shortly, please stay on the line.
conf-enter conf number.wav Please enter the conference number followed by the hash key.
conf-enter conf pin.wav Enter the conference PIN number followed by the hash key.
conf-entry sound.wav Entry sound.
conf-exit sound.wav Exit Sound.
conf-goodbye.wav Goodbye.
conf-has joined.wav Has entered the conference.
conf-has left.wav Has left the conference.
conf-is-locked.wav This conference is now locked.
conf – is-unlocked.wav This conference is now unlocked.
conf-kicked.wav You have been kicked from this conference.
conf-listener in conference.wav Listener in this conference.
conf-listeners in conference.wav Listeners in this conference.
conf-locked.wav This conference is locked.
conf-members in conference.wav Members in this conference.
conf-muted.wav You are now muted.
conf-number of listeners.wav Enter the number of listeners at this location, then press hash key..
conf-one other member conference.wav There is one other member in this conference.
conf-one other person.wav There is one other person in this conference.
conf-other persons conference.wav Other persons in this conference.
conf-pin.wav Please enter the conference Pin number.
conf-qna.wav QNA Mode.
conf-unmuted.wav You are now unmuted.
conf-welcome.wav Welcome to the conference.
conf-you are already muted.wav You are already muted.
conf-you are now bidirectionally muted.wav You are now Bi Directionally muted.