Download Voicemail Recordings
Here is a selection of generic recorded messages that are available and ready to download immediately.
These downloadable recordings are available in two formats MP3 and also WAV 8khz 16 bit
These recordings are compatible with ALL Phone Services including VoIP and Cloud Systems
Do you need a new voicemail greeting for your business recorded by a professional voice over artist?
A custom voice message for a work phone, business location or private line?
Or have you never thought about this option before, perhaps thinking it will be too costly?
It’s not as expensive as you might think – for example prices start from £19.95 for your first message.
1 x Voicemail Message Recording
Up to and including 60 words- USE WITH THESE AND MORE..
- ALL VoIP & Online Services
- BT Cloud & ALL Cloud Services
- Ring Central / 3CX / HiHi
- Not seeing your provider?
- Recordings are compatible with ALL Services and Systems
2 x Voice Message Recordings
Each up to and including 60 words- USE WITH THESE AND MORE..
- ALL VoIP & Online Services
- BT Cloud & ALL Cloud Services
- Ring Central / 3CX / HiHi
- Not seeing your provider?
- Recordings are compatible with ALL Services and Systems
3 x Voice Message Recordings
Each up to and including 60 words- USE WITH THESE AND MORE..
- ALL VoIP & Online Services
- BT Cloud & ALL Cloud Services
- Ring Central / 3CX / HiHi
- Not seeing your provider?
- Recordings are compatible with ALL Services and Systems
Here is why a Professional Voicemail Greeting is Important for Business
Having a professional voicemail greeting for your business is important for several compelling reasons. This element of your communication strategy is often the first point of contact between your business and a potential client, customer, or partner. Here are key reasons why investing in a professional voicemail greeting is crucial:
- First Impressions Matter: The voicemail greeting is often the initial interaction someone has with your business. A professional greeting sets the tone for a positive and credible first impression. It signals that your business is organized, attentive, and values professionalism.
- Reflects Professionalism: A professionally recorded voicemail greeting reflects the level of professionalism that your business upholds. It demonstrates that you are dedicated to delivering a high standard of service in all aspects of communication.
- Conveys Brand Identity: The tone, style, and language used in your voicemail greeting contribute to your overall brand identity. Whether your brand is friendly and approachable or formal and authoritative, the voicemail greeting is an extension of your brand personality.
- Provides Important Information: A well-crafted voicemail greeting doesn’t just sound good; it also delivers important information. It can guide callers on what information to leave, when to expect a callback, or provide alternative contact methods. This clarity helps streamline communication.
- Enhances Customer Experience: A professional voicemail greeting contributes to a positive customer experience. It reassures callers that their message is important and that they are dealing with a reputable and customer-focused business.
- Builds Trust: Trust is a fundamental element in any business relationship. A professional voicemail greeting builds trust by assuring callers that they have reached the right place and that their inquiries or concerns will be addressed in a timely and competent manner.
- Increases Credibility: Credibility is vital, especially for new or potential clients who may be assessing your business. A professional voicemail greeting adds to your business's credibility, reinforcing the idea that you are a reliable and trustworthy entity.
- Manages Expectations: An effective voicemail greeting manages the expectations of callers. Whether your team is currently unavailable, or it’s after business hours, a well-crafted greeting informs callers about the situation, setting realistic expectations for when they can anticipate a response.
In conclusion, a professional voicemail greeting is not just a formality; it's a strategic element of your business communication. It can leave a lasting positive impression, contribute to brand consistency, and ultimately enhance your overall business image in the eyes of your audience.