spencer cork

Voice Over Talent Agent Required

I would like to Expand My Voice Over Work in the UK, USA and Europe

Are you a Voice Over Talent Agent? Are you able to Represent me ?

Voice Over Talent Agent Required

Voice Over Talent Agents…Are you on the lookout for fresh, captivating voices to represent? Well, look no further! I am here to bring a touch of brilliance to your agency.

Imagine having a versatile voice artist on your roster who can effortlessly breathe life into any script. From captivating commercials that leave a lasting impression, to engaging narrations that transport listeners to another world, I have the talent to deliver it all.

With a passion for storytelling and a knack for capturing emotions, my voice has the power to connect with audiences on a profound level. Whether it’s infusing warmth and authenticity into a brand’s message or creating characters that leap off the page, I am ready to bring your clients’ visions to life.

But don’t just take my word for it. Allow my portfolio and Trustpilot reviews speak for  themselves. From corporate videos to e-learning modules, radio spots to video games, I have honed my skills in various genres to cater to diverse client needs.

Not only am I a skilled voice over artist, but I am also a reliable and professional partner to work with. Deadlines are sacred to me, and I pride myself on delivering quality work that exceeds expectations. As your trusted talent, I will bring dedication, passion, and a collaborative spirit to every project.

So, if you are in search of a standout voice artist to elevate your agency’s offerings, look no further. I am ready to join your team, ready to lend my voice to your clients’ visions, and ready to make magic happen. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together and create unforgettable audio experiences.

Contact me today and let’s discuss how I can become the valuable asset your agency needs. Together, we can make waves in the voice over industry and leave a lasting legacy in the realm of audio storytelling. Let’s make dreams come true, one voice at a time.

Voice Over Project Samples

  5. Spencer Commercials Demo Reel 1:52
  6. AXA Insurance Commercial 0:28
  7. SUMA Municiple 0:20
  8. Mercedes Benz June Radio Commercial 0:30
  9. 5213 4150 Carrefour 110619 0:20
  10. Mercedes GLA 0:30
  11. Corporate-Demo-DeLonghi 0:34

Character Voices

Here is why a Professional Voicemail Greeting is Important for Business

Having a professional voicemail greeting for your business is important for several compelling reasons. This element of your communication strategy is often the first point of contact between your business and a potential client, customer, or partner. Here are key reasons why investing in a professional voicemail greeting is crucial:

  1. First Impressions Matter: The voicemail greeting is often the initial interaction someone has with your business. A professional greeting sets the tone for a positive and credible first impression. It signals that your business is organized, attentive, and values professionalism.
  2. Reflects Professionalism: A professionally recorded voicemail greeting reflects the level of professionalism that your business upholds. It demonstrates that you are dedicated to delivering a high standard of service in all aspects of communication.
  3. Conveys Brand Identity: The tone, style, and language used in your voicemail greeting contribute to your overall brand identity. Whether your brand is friendly and approachable or formal and authoritative, the voicemail greeting is an extension of your brand personality.
  4. Provides Important Information: A well-crafted voicemail greeting doesn’t just sound good; it also delivers important information. It can guide callers on what information to leave, when to expect a callback, or provide alternative contact methods. This clarity helps streamline communication.
  5. Enhances Customer Experience: A professional voicemail greeting contributes to a positive customer experience. It reassures callers that their message is important and that they are dealing with a reputable and customer-focused business.
  6. Builds Trust: Trust is a fundamental element in any business relationship. A professional voicemail greeting builds trust by assuring callers that they have reached the right place and that their inquiries or concerns will be addressed in a timely and competent manner.
  7. Increases Credibility: Credibility is vital, especially for new or potential clients who may be assessing your business. A professional voicemail greeting adds to your business's credibility, reinforcing the idea that you are a reliable and trustworthy entity.
  8. Manages Expectations: An effective voicemail greeting manages the expectations of callers. Whether your team is currently unavailable, or it’s after business hours, a well-crafted greeting informs callers about the situation, setting realistic expectations for when they can anticipate a response.

In conclusion, a professional voicemail greeting is not just a formality; it's a strategic element of your business communication. It can leave a lasting positive impression, contribute to brand consistency, and ultimately enhance your overall business image in the eyes of your audience.

Spencer Cork Voice Over

The Art Behind the Voice: Unveiling the World of Voiceover Artists

The World of Voiceover Artists

In the vast realm of multimedia content, where visual and auditory elements converge to tell compelling stories, voiceover artists play a pivotal yet often overlooked role. These unsung heroes of the audio world bring scripts to life, infusing character, emotion, and authenticity into a diverse array of projects. This blog post aims to shed light on the fascinating world of voiceover artists, exploring the artistry behind their craft, the impact they have on various industries, and the unique skills that set them apart.

Section 1: The Craft of Voiceover Artistry

Voiceover artistry is more than just reading words from a script; it's about transforming text into an experience. Professional voice actors possess a range of skills, from modulation and intonation to pacing and pronunciation. The ability to convey emotion, capture the essence of a character, and adapt to different tones is what sets these artists apart. Behind every engaging audiobook, animated character, or commercial voiceover lies a dedicated artist meticulously honing their craft.

Section 2: Versatility Across Industries

Voiceover artists are not limited to a single niche; their talents extend across a myriad of industries. From the booming world of animation and video games to the polished realm of advertising and narration, these artists breathe life into projects of all kinds. Exploring the versatility of voiceover artists unveils their ability to adapt to various styles, genres, and tones, making them indispensable contributors to the success of diverse media productions.

Section 3: The Voice as Brand Identity

In the corporate landscape, the voice has become a powerful element of brand identity. Recognizable voices in commercials, phone systems, and corporate videos contribute to a brand's personality and memorability. Voiceover artists work closely with businesses to embody the essence of a brand, ensuring that their vocal delivery aligns seamlessly with the company's values and resonates with the target audience.

Section 4: The Rise of Remote Voiceover Work

The digital age has transformed the landscape for voiceover artists, enabling them to work remotely and collaborate with clients worldwide. The rise of online platforms and digital marketplaces has democratized the industry, allowing both seasoned professionals and emerging talents to showcase their skills and connect with a global clientele. This shift has not only expanded opportunities for voiceover artists but has also diversified the pool of voices available for creative projects.

Section 5: The Human Touch in a Digital World

In an era dominated by visual stimuli, the human voice remains a potent tool for storytelling. Whether narrating a documentary, bringing characters to life in an audiobook, or adding warmth to an instructional video, the human touch that voiceover artists provide adds depth and connection to the content. This blog post delves into the enduring appeal of the spoken word and how voiceover artists contribute to the emotional resonance of audiovisual experiences.


As we navigate the evolving landscape of media and communication, it's crucial to recognize and appreciate the artistry of voiceover professionals. Their ability to transform words into experiences, adapt to diverse industries, shape brand identities, and connect with audiences on a personal level makes them indispensable contributors to the rich tapestry of multimedia content. So, the next time you hear a voice guiding you through a commercial, captivating you in an audiobook, or breathing life into an animated character, take a moment to appreciate the art behind the voice.