Voicemail Recording for a Business
We have made ordering a voicemail recording for a business quick and easy.
There is no need to call (unless you would like to during our weekday office hours) as you can simply follow the three quick steps to get that important call greeting message.
1 First pick your voice – we have several professional voice over artists to choose from to match your brand or style. Male or Female voices all priced at the same cost to make ordering simple. You will find our voices on this page.
2 Now decide on the text or script that you would like to use – we have some sample scripts for you to look at further down this page.
3 Finally, submit your script and order and make your payment – your recording is usually ready within 24 hours during normal business workdays and is emailed back to you in both MP3 and WAV 8khz 16-bit formats – But we also provide all other formats if required, just let us know in the order. If you are unsure, we will start with the standard formats and if you have any issues, we will help find the right files for you at no additional cost to you.
Choose from one of the voices below: Click the box and you are just 2 steps away from ordering your message.
Voicemail Ordering Enquiry
We have made ordering a Telephone Caller Message quick and easy.
Order from the comfort of your desk, office or sofa.
There is no need to call (unless you would like to during our weekday office hours) as you can simply follow the three quick steps to get that important call greeting message.
1 First Choose your voice – we have several professional voice over artists to choose from to match your brand or style. Male or Female voices all priced at the same cost to make ordering simple. You will find our voices on this page.
2 Decide on the text or script that you would like to use – we have some sample scripts for you to look at further down this page.
3 Submit your script and order and make your payment – your recording is usually ready within 24 hours during normal business workdays and is emailed back to you in both MP3 and WAV 8khz 16-bit formats – But we also provide all other formats if required, just let us know in the order. If you are unsure, we will start with the standard formats and if you have any issues, we will help find the right files for you at no additional cost to you.
Out of Hours Recorded Message
Your perfect voice for your voicemail recording for use with mobile phone, VoIP and Cloud based Phones Services and Internet phones. Use with VoIP and Cloud Phones our files are compatible with ALL Phone systems. *Restrictions will apply if using on a mobile phone

Voice Over for Elearning
Do you need a voice over for Training. We have put together some easy-to-use perfect prices for you if you are considering hiring the best voice over for a recording session. We have 5 Star Reviews, and you can also book online directly providing your brief and directional instructions if any.
Do you need a voice over for an Explainer Video.
We have put together some easy-to-use perfect prices for you if you are considering hiring the best voice over for a recording session. We have 5 Star Reviews, and you can also book online directly providing your brief and directional instructions if any.
We are experienced in short form voice overs for explainer video and training or instructional videos. We also supply how to video voice overs and voice over for health and safety videos.
If you are putting together a short sales video to run on your website of Facebook – book one of our voices for one of our special short form video voice overs broken down into easy to calculate costs of 60 seconds / 90 seconds and 120 seconds – please contact us if you have a larger recording project for a bespoke and highly competitive quote.
Our price for a 1 minute video voice over is £55 GBP, 1 minute 30 seconds is £75 GBP and a voice over for a short video od 2 minutes is £95 GBP