British Voicemail Recording
Recorded Voicemail Messages and On Hold Recordings
Use with Mobile Phones – VoIP Phones and Cloud Based Phones Systems – Compatible with ALL Phone Services
We Accept - Paypal - Apple Pay - Google Pay - Credit and Debit Card Payments - Bank Transfer - Available at Check Out
Female Voice Choice Melanie
Male Voice Choice Spencer
Female Voice Choice Gemma
Female Voice Choice Emily
Female Voice Choice Tom
This is absolutely perfect I thank you so much for this. Please say thank you to the person who recorded this for us they have done a great job. I will be leaving a very positive google review!!! Great service.
We Accept - Paypal - Apple Pay - Google Pay - Credit and Debit Card Payments - Bank Transfer - Available at Check Out
1 x Voicemail Message Recording
Up to and including 60 words- USE WITH THESE AND MORE..
- ALL VoIP & Online Services
- BT Cloud & ALL Cloud Services
- Ring Central / 3CX / HiHi
- Not seeing your provider?
- Recordings are compatible with ALL Services and Systems
2 x Voice Message Recordings
Each up to and including 60 words- USE WITH THESE AND MORE..
- ALL VoIP & Online Services
- BT Cloud & ALL Cloud Services
- Ring Central / 3CX / HiHi
- Not seeing your provider?
- Recordings are compatible with ALL Services and Systems
3 x Voice Message Recordings
Each up to and including 60 words- USE WITH THESE AND MORE..
- ALL VoIP & Online Services
- BT Cloud & ALL Cloud Services
- Ring Central / 3CX / HiHi
- Not seeing your provider?
- Recordings are compatible with ALL Services and Systems
4 x Voice Message Recordings
Each up to and including 60 wordsGET A QUOTE BEFORE YOU BUY
5 x Voicemail Message Recordings
Each up to and including 60 wordsCUSTOMER REVIEWS
Thank you so much for such a super efficient service, we are all so happy with the results - fabulous!
Kind regards, Paula
Paula Pollard | Business Development Manager
“I'm new to Spencer Cork Voice Over Services , just found them after a quick search on the internet. Having just installed a new Cloud based calling system we need a fast turnaround on a voicemail. Fast turnaround indeed, great communication from the team and care and consideration given to checking the content of our message. Five star service, I can highly recommend them and I would definitely use again.. Gives your messages a much more professional feel and all for a simple price with no catches.”
Paul Hughes
Director ReStart BTi
Absolutely Superb!
Have been using Spencer for our voice-overs and can say he is BY FAR the best in the business!
Spencer is reliable, always available to help (even out of hours). His always on hand to offer his support and advice.
Would not look elsewhere, if you are looking for a professional voice over service look no further, Spencer is the man you NEED.
We would highly recommend Spencer without a shadow of a doubt and look forward to working with him ourselves for many years to come.
Cannot recommend Spencer enough. Very easy to deal with and quick response time. We have been using his services for years!!!
Great services, I’ve used Spencer for a number of years now…..
A very fast turnaround with high quality recordings which are competitively priced
Excellent service
Spencer is very talented, fast delivery and professional. That’s why we keep using his services.
Excellent value for money and service as it should be.
Excellent value for money with a fast and efficient service, all happy here.
Whenever we deal with Spencer, we always get a super fast response and a impeccable service. I can’t recommend his services enough. He deserves more than 5 stars!
Quick *and* high quality? You don’t have to choose. Perfect!
I would recommend Spencer Cork’s Voice Over Services to anyone looking for reliable, fast, fairly-priced narration. He consistently delivers ahead of schedule and is good at providing status updates along the way. 5 stars!
Extremely swift and professional service. Will definitely use again and highly recommend without hesitation. Thank you
We recently used Spencer for a voiceover on a video project, and were extremely pleased with the service we received. Spencer’s communication was very punctual, he delivered the recording ahead of our expected turnaround, and the quality of recording was excellent. Thoroughly recommended.
SO Visual Video
Spencer has always been a pleasure to deal with and the service has been a lot quicker than quoted.
His recordings are high quality and the script that I have provided is always read exactly as it is written.
I would highly recommend.
Ben Sheppard
Highly recommend
We have used Spencer for our telephone system messages. Very professional and always reads the scripts exactly as requested.
Thank god we found Spencer.
Firstly a great voice, he has never let me down in over 6 years, possibility even longer.
He’s more like a member of staff.
I couldn’t recommend Spencer enough. The turnaround speed is amazing, he won’t let you down.
Jody Rhodes
Excellent fast and professional service
Spencer has a very fast turnaround with high quality recording. Nothing is ever too much trouble. Very easy to deal with and super quick response time. I would have no hesitation in recommending him
Natalie Maher-Lander
Rated 5 out of 5
Very nice – thank you, excellent as always
The Landscape Yard
Fantastic service!
Glad we found Spencer Cork. Fast turn around and great VOIP compatibility. Really happy and will be using again when required. Makes us seem much more professional now we have these high quality recordings. Cant complain about the price either!.
Howard - Leicester Sectional Buildings
We Accept - Paypal - Apple Pay - Google Pay - Credit and Debit Card Payments - Bank Transfer - Available at Check Out
Foreign Language Voice Over Artists Available – Demo and Prices On Request
We Accept - Paypal - Apple Pay - Google Pay - Credit and Debit Card Payments - Bank Transfer - Available at Check Out
We provide voicemail recordings that can be used with Cloud Phone and Voip Phone services.
The voice messages are ideas for voip message recording and cloud message recording.
Voicemail recording for business and personal use. A voicemail recording sample is available by request.
Voicemail download is also avalaible.
Answerphone message and answerphone recording specialists. On Hold recording and IVR Recording available.
Automated call recording.

What kind of voicemail recording are you looking for ?
How do I get my message recorded professionally?
How long does it take to record and deliver a voicemail?
Why use a professional voice recording?
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Where can i find a voicemail recording company?
You can find a professional Voicemail recording company at
How much is a professional voicemail recording?
We provide voicemail recordings from £19.95
Will a voicemail recording word on my phone?
Typically our recording are compatible with all VoIP and Cloud Phones services.
Can i order online?
We accept online payments and Paypal.
How long does a voice over recording take?
In most cases turn around of recordings is within 12 to 24 Hours
Where to find a voice over
We provide voice over recordings for all applications.
Best Voicemail Recording, professional quality From £19.95

Best Voicemail Recording male and female voice over available, voice recording are compatible with all VoIP and cloud phones from £19.95
Lets take a quick look at the online phone service known as VoIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol.
This is now one of the more widely used way to communicate by phone. This basically does away with a standard phone line and instead uses your broadband connection to make and receive telephone calls.
There are many providers on the market that offer these services and it is best to check on what each one can do to enhance your call quality and usability.
Look for a service that offers you the user a ‘dashboard set up’ this way you are in control of the interface and can set it up to best reflect your incoming call needs.
Do you need to put a caller On Hold? Do you want to play your caller a message whilst they are On Hold or maybe take this opportunity to play them a marketing or sales message to use this time effectively. Maybe some soothing On Hold music ?
Be careful if you do intend to use music, remember that you can not just pluck a tune from a CD and use that – music must be licenced for use or non-copyright or licence free!
Do you need to run a special message during a lunch break or for when your office or business is unavailable? Maybe a special message to use when you are on your holiday or unexpected reason to close for the day.
What about running a message after hours? You may close at pm every weekday but your potential customer may work until 6pm or even later. Don’t miss out here, simply use a message that encourages the caller to call back or leave a message so that you can follow up the next working or business day.
Keep your messages fresh. When was the last time you checked what your messages are saying to callers? Have your business hours changes? Have members of staff changed? Are you still promising or offering a product or service that no longer exists? Even worse, does your voicemail message mention a phone number that is no longer in use?
Getting back to a VoIP service for a moment – Using these services means that changing and updating caller messages is now easier than ever and when using our voice messages you can change and update your voicemail quickly and cost efficiently.
Where can I record my voicemail?
To get a truly professional sound it is worth investing in a professional voice over recording service like Spencer Cork Voice Overs
How do I record a professional voicemail?
It would be a good idea to hire a professional voice over to record your message in a professional studio.
What are voicemail services?
Our voicemail services are professionally recorded messages that greet your caller before the call it put through to your company.
Can you record and send a voicemail?
We record our messages in our professional studio before we email these back to you.