English Voice Over
Fast Turn Around Times On All Voice Recording Projects Guaranteed
You can book your recording Online 24/7 with Online Ordering
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British Male Voice Over / English Male Voice Over / UK Male Voiceover
Professional English British Voice Over Artists
Voicemail Message Script Ideas
Voicemail Message Example Script 1
“Thank you for calling (Your Business Name) I’m sorry we cant take your call at the moment. Please leave you name, number and telephone number after the tone and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, please email info@(your business name).co.uk and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you”.
Voicemail Message Example Script 6
“Thank you for calling (Your Business name). Our shop is closed for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We will reopen on December 27th at 8 AM.
Our normal business hours are Monday to Saturday, 8 AM to 8 PM and Sunday from 8 AM to 6 PM. Please leave your message after the tone. Have a great Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you soon.”
Voicemail Greeting Example Script 11
Hello. You have reached (Your Name) , Marketing Manager for (Your Business Name). I am currently out of the office attending a conference until August 4th.
I will be checking messages daily, however, if you need immediate assistance, please contact Marketing Specialist, Michael Kim on extension 240. Otherwise, please leave a message, and I will call you back at my earliest opportunity.
Voicemail Message Example Script 2
“Hello! You’ve reached the voicemail of [your name], [your job title]. I’m currently either away from my desk or on the other line. Please leave your name, telephone number, and a short message after the beep, and I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I’m available.”
Voicemail Message Example Script 7
“Thank you for calling (Your Business Name). We are currently closed. Please leave your name and phone number so someone from our team can follow up with you. For more information, please visit us at www.(Your Business Name).co.uk”
Voicemail Recording Example Script 12
You’ve reached the general mailbox for (your business Name). We are located in 1 St Ives Street . Our office is open to serve you Monday through Friday from 8 am until 5 pm.
For more information on our products and manufacturing capabilities, visit www.(your Business Name).co.uk Our website also allows you to request a quote and place your orders online. All other inquiries, please leave a message, and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Voicemail Message Example Script 3
“Hi, you’ve reached the voicemail box of (your name). I’m not available to answer the phone right now. My office hours are Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. Please leave your name and phone number and I’ll get back to you soon. If your call is urgent, you can also reach the main office on 1234 5678. Thank you”
Voicemail Message Example Script 8
“Thank you for calling (Your Business Name). We are currently closed due to the bad weather. Our normal business hours are Monday to Friday, 6 AM to 10 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 7 AM to 6 PM. Please visit www.(Yourbusinessname.co.uk) to place any orders
Voicemail Greeting Example Script 13
You’ve reached (your business name), The UK’s favorite destination for affordable, everyday jewelry. Due to a building maintenance emergency, we were forced to cancel our Spring Fling Jewelry Sale.
We understand that this was a disappointment to many of our customers, as they were not informed prior to the event. Rest assured, that we are in the processes of rescheduling the sale, and will be offering a sneak peek promotion with additional discounts for those who were affected by the miscommunication.
If you would like to be informed of the upcoming sale and other store events, please visit www.(your business name).co.uk and sign up for our newsletter, or leave a message, and we will get back to you with all the details. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience, and we thank you for your understanding.
Voicemail Message Example Script 4
“Thank you for calling (Your Business Name). No one is available to answer your call right now. Our business hours are Monday until Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM. Please leave your name and phone number so someone from our team can follow up with you. For more information, please visit www.(yourbusinessname).co.uk”
Voicemail Message Example Script 9
Hi, you’ve reached Customer Service. We are busy assisting other customers at the is time. Please leave a detailed message with your order number or customer ID, the reason for your call, and the best number to reach you. A Service Specialist will return your call as soon as possible.
Voicemail Recording Example Script 14
You’ve reached (Your Business Name), leaders in home decorating and construction services. We are pleased to announce that we were recently named ‘Best Local Contractor’ by the Check a Trade, and we finished another year ‘Complaint Free’ from the Better Business Office I
t’s just the kind of service you’d expect from your hometown professionals. We are sorry we are unable to take your call at this time, please leave a message, and we will get back to you as promptly as possible.
Voicemail Message Example Script 5
“You’ve reached the service department of (Your Business Name). All of our advisors are currently on other calls helping customers. Please leave your contact information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Or, you can email us at info@yourbusinessname.co.uk”
Voicemail Greeting Example Script 10
Hi, this is Tom, the sales manager at (Your Business Name). I’m either busy assisting customers, getting ready for our End of Season Sale, featuring deep discounts on our huge selection of power sports equipment and gear. Please leave a message , and I will call you back as soon as possible. Thanks for calling!
Voicemail Greeting Example Script 15
You are through to……. Please leave me a message after the tone and i will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.
Pre Recorded Voice Message Prompts Available
Here is why a Professional Voicemail Greeting is Important for Business
Having a professional voicemail greeting for your business is important for several compelling reasons. This element of your communication strategy is often the first point of contact between your business and a potential client, customer, or partner. Here are key reasons why investing in a professional voicemail greeting is crucial:
- First Impressions Matter: The voicemail greeting is often the initial interaction someone has with your business. A professional greeting sets the tone for a positive and credible first impression. It signals that your business is organized, attentive, and values professionalism.
- Reflects Professionalism: A professionally recorded voicemail greeting reflects the level of professionalism that your business upholds. It demonstrates that you are dedicated to delivering a high standard of service in all aspects of communication.
- Conveys Brand Identity: The tone, style, and language used in your voicemail greeting contribute to your overall brand identity. Whether your brand is friendly and approachable or formal and authoritative, the voicemail greeting is an extension of your brand personality.
- Provides Important Information: A well-crafted voicemail greeting doesn’t just sound good; it also delivers important information. It can guide callers on what information to leave, when to expect a callback, or provide alternative contact methods. This clarity helps streamline communication.
- Enhances Customer Experience: A professional voicemail greeting contributes to a positive customer experience. It reassures callers that their message is important and that they are dealing with a reputable and customer-focused business.
- Builds Trust: Trust is a fundamental element in any business relationship. A professional voicemail greeting builds trust by assuring callers that they have reached the right place and that their inquiries or concerns will be addressed in a timely and competent manner.
- Increases Credibility: Credibility is vital, especially for new or potential clients who may be assessing your business. A professional voicemail greeting adds to your business's credibility, reinforcing the idea that you are a reliable and trustworthy entity.
- Manages Expectations: An effective voicemail greeting manages the expectations of callers. Whether your team is currently unavailable, or it’s after business hours, a well-crafted greeting informs callers about the situation, setting realistic expectations for when they can anticipate a response.
In conclusion, a professional voicemail greeting is not just a formality; it's a strategic element of your business communication. It can leave a lasting positive impression, contribute to brand consistency, and ultimately enhance your overall business image in the eyes of your audience.
Vonage Voicemail Recording
Do you need a new voicemail greeting for your business recorded by a professional voice over artist?
Or have you never thought about this option before, perhaps thinking it will be too costly?
It’s not as expensive as you might think – for example prices start from
£19.95 for your first message. There is no contract, no repeat fees, one time payment only and you can even book this online 7 days of the week, and we aim to provide a 24 hour turnaround. Our messages work with all phone systems and this will give you a recording by a professional voiceover artist – male or female – recorded in our fully equipped broadcast quality studio.
So for out of hours prompts, messages to cover a holiday or weekend, or simply on hold messages when you’re busy – having a voiceover artist do this for you can make all the difference for the customer experience.
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English Voice Over Fast Turn Around Times On All Voice Recording Projects Guaranteed You can book your recording Online 24/7 with Online Ordering
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English Voice Over Fast Turn Around Times On All Voice Recording Projects Guaranteed You can book your recording Online 24/7 with Online Ordering
Voice Over
English Voice Over Fast Turn Around Times On All Voice Recording Projects Guaranteed You can book your recording Online 24/7 with Online Ordering
Same Day Voice Over
Find the Best Voice Over Discover the finest voice over services for radio & TV adverts, voicemail greetings, online stores, and more. Choose from a range of skilled UK voice artists.
On Hold Messages
IVR Phone System Voices Enhance your IVR phone system with professional voice overs and audio editing services. Get captivating voicemail greetings and IVR prompts recorded by skilled British voice actors. Boost customer experience now!
Female Voice Voicemail Greetings
IVR Phone System Voices Enhance your IVR phone system with professional voice overs and audio editing services. Get captivating voicemail greetings and IVR prompts recorded by skilled British voice actors. Boost customer experience now!
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IVR Phone System Voices Enhance your IVR phone system with professional voice overs and audio editing services. Get captivating voicemail greetings and IVR prompts recorded by skilled British voice actors. Boost customer experience now!
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Phone Prompt Recording
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English Voice Overs
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IVR Phone System Voices
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